
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 間


While away time, Passed time, Killed time

xiao¯ moˊ shiˊ jian¯

間 jian¯, jianˋ
Space, Room, Between, Among, Interval Of Time, MW For Rooms, (Jian4), Division, Gap, Crevice

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Phone , Tone


消磨 xiao¯ moˊ

時間 shiˊ jian¯

Words that rhyme with 消磨時間 (yao-o)

Grouped by first phone

xiao, biao, piao, yao

消磨 xiao¯ moˊ

While away

消磨時光 xiao¯ moˊ shiˊ guang¯

Passed time, Killed time

消磨時間 xiao¯ moˊ shiˊ jian¯

While away time, Passed time, Killed time

xiao, biao, piao, yao

錶玻璃 biaoˇ bo¯ liˊ

Watch glass

xiao, biao, piao, yao

漂泊 piao¯ boˊ


xiao, biao, piao, yao

咬破 yaoˇ poˋ

Bite, Bit

咬破了 yaoˇ poˋ le˙


藥婆 yaoˋ poˊ

Medicine woman

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 31, 34, 42

漂泊 piao¯ boˊ


消磨 xiao¯ moˊ

While away

消磨時光 xiao¯ moˊ shiˊ guang¯

Passed time, Killed time

消磨時間 xiao¯ moˊ shiˊ jian¯

While away time, Passed time, Killed time

12, 31, 34, 42

錶玻璃 biaoˇ bo¯ liˊ

Watch glass

12, 31, 34, 42

咬破 yaoˇ poˋ

Bite, Bit

咬破了 yaoˇ poˋ le˙


12, 31, 34, 42

藥婆 yaoˋ poˊ

Medicine woman


丶-氵 : > : > [消]-消磨 : > [消]-消磨時間 >

丶-广 : > : > [磨]-消磨 : > [磨]-消磨時間 >

口-日 : > : > [時]-時間 : > [時]-消磨時間 >

口-門 : > : > [間]-時間 : > [間]-消磨時間 >

消磨時間 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 間

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