
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 熟


Fully consider

shouˊ luuˋ

熟 shouˊ, shuˊ
Cooked, Well Done, Deep, Coke, Charcoal, Processed, Treated, Ripe, Ripen, Experienced, Know Well, Learn By Heart, Familiar With, Skilled, Dexterous, Painstaking, Deep Sleep, Slumber

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 熟慮 (ou-yu)

Grouped by first phone

shou, hou, kou, rou, tou, zhou, zou

收據 shou¯ juˋ


熟慮 shouˊ luuˋ

Fully consider

收取 shou¯ quˇ


手續 shouˇ xuˋ

Procedures, Formalities, Red tape

手續費 shouˇ xuˋ feiˋ

Handling fee

授予 shouˋ yuˊ

Grant, Confer

受雨淋 shouˋ yuˇ linˋ

Endure rain, Exposed to the rain

shou, hou, kou, rou, tou, zhou, zou

後續 houˋ xuˋ


後續獲得 houˋ xuˋ huoˋ deˊ

Follow up, Subsequent

後續的觀察 houˋ xuˋ de˙ guan¯ chaˊ

Follow-up observation

shou, hou, kou, rou, tou, zhou, zou

口語 kouˇ yuˇ

Spoken language, Slander

口語稱為 kouˇ yuˇ cheng¯ weiˋ

Colloquially known as

shou, hou, kou, rou, tou, zhou, zou

肉慾 rouˋ yuˋ

Desire, Carnal desire, Sexual desire, Lust

shou, hou, kou, rou, tou, zhou, zou

偷取 tou¯ quˇ

Steal, Take

頭緒 touˊ xuˋ

Clues, Ways, Means, Sequence, Systematic, Systematically

shou, hou, kou, rou, tou, zhou, zou

軸距 zhouˊ juˋ


shou, hou, kou, rou, tou, zhou, zou

走去 zouˇ quˋ

Went over, Wandered over

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 13, 14, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

熟慮 shouˊ luuˋ

Fully consider

頭緒 touˊ xuˋ

Clues, Ways, Means, Sequence, Systematic, Systematically

軸距 zhouˊ juˋ


24, 13, 14, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

收取 shou¯ quˇ


偷取 tou¯ quˇ

Steal, Take

24, 13, 14, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

收據 shou¯ juˋ


24, 13, 14, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

口語 kouˇ yuˇ

Spoken language, Slander

口語稱為 kouˇ yuˇ cheng¯ weiˋ

Colloquially known as

24, 13, 14, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

手續 shouˇ xuˋ

Procedures, Formalities, Red tape

手續費 shouˇ xuˋ feiˋ

Handling fee

走去 zouˇ quˋ

Went over, Wandered over

24, 13, 14, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

授予 shouˋ yuˊ

Grant, Confer

24, 13, 14, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

受雨淋 shouˋ yuˇ linˋ

Endure rain, Exposed to the rain

24, 13, 14, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

後續 houˋ xuˋ


後續獲得 houˋ xuˋ huoˋ deˊ

Follow up, Subsequent

後續的觀察 houˋ xuˋ de˙ guan¯ chaˊ

Follow-up observation

肉慾 rouˋ yuˋ

Desire, Carnal desire, Sexual desire, Lust


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熟慮 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 熟

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