Lamp, Light
Word Links for words containing 燈 (sorted via character pairs)
內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 Built in flash will automatically pop up
必要時內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 If necessary the built in flash will automatically pop up
燈光 Light(s), Lighting
暗暗的燈光 Dim lighting, Low lighting, Discrete lighting
暗暗的燈光下 Under the low lighting, Beneath the dim lighting
在檯燈的燈光下 In the lamplight, Beneath the lamplight
在檯燈的燈光下閃爍 Twinkled in the lamplight, Twinkling in the lamplight
認為那只是燈光作怪 Thinking that it was just a trick of the light
紅燈 Red light
停紅燈 Stop at red light, Stopped at red light
紅燈區 Red-light district, Brothel district
濱水紅燈區 Water-front brothel district
綠燈 Green light
紅綠燈 Traffic light, Traffic lights
綠燈亮了 Light turned green, Traffic light turned green
日光燈 Fluorescent light
聚光燈 Spotlight
閃光燈 Flash unit, Flash
內置閃光燈 Built-in Flash
使用內置閃光燈 Using the Built-in Flash
照相機的閃光燈 Camera's flash
電燈 Light bulb
打開了電燈 Turn on the light, Turned on the light, Turn on a light, Turned on a light, Turn the lights, Turned on the lights
電燈泡 Light bulb, Third wheel (unwanted third party accompanying a couple)
檯燈 Lamp, Desk lamp
在檯燈的燈光下 In the lamplight, Beneath the lamplight
在檯燈的燈光下閃爍 Twinkled in the lamplight, Twinkling in the lamplight
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