
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 燈


Lights, Illumination

deng¯ huoˇ

燈 deng¯
Lamp, Light

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 燈火 (eng-wo)

Grouped by first phone

deng, cheng, feng, geng, leng, sheng, zeng, zheng

燈火 deng¯ huoˇ

Lights, Illumination

等我一下 dengˇ woˇ yiˊ xiaˋ

Wait a moment, Wait for me

等我們稍微聊聊以後 dengˇ woˇ men˙ shao¯ weiˊ liaoˊ liaoˊ yiˇ houˋ

After we've talked for a bit

等我把你整治完了 dengˇ woˇ baˇ niˇ zhengˇ zhiˋ wanˊ le˙

When I'm done with you

等我把妳整治完了 dengˇ woˇ baˇ niˇ zhengˇ zhiˋ wanˊ le˙

When I'm done with you

deng, cheng, feng, geng, leng, sheng, zeng, zheng

撐過 cheng¯ guoˋ


成果 chengˊ guoˇ

Results, Achievements

成果越好 chengˊ guoˇ yueˋ haoˇ

The better the result

承諾 chengˊ nuoˋ

Committed to

成縮小 chengˊ suo¯ xiaoˇ

Shrink, Reduce

稱作 cheng¯ zuoˋ

Called, Referred to as…

乘坐 chengˊ zuoˋ

Use (for transport), Ride, Mount, Take

deng, cheng, feng, geng, leng, sheng, zeng, zheng

封國 feng¯ guoˊ

Fiefdom, Kingdom, Kingdoms

豐碩 feng¯ shuoˋ


封鎖 feng¯ suoˇ

Blocked, Sealed

峰鎖骨關節 feng¯ suoˇ guˇ guan¯ jieˊ

Acromio-Clavicular Joint

deng, cheng, feng, geng, leng, sheng, zeng, zheng

更多 gengˋ duo¯

Many more, Much more

更多的人 gengˋ duo¯ de˙ renˊ

Lots of people

更過分 gengˋ guoˋ fenˋ

Even worse

更火大了 gengˋ huoˇ daˋ le˙

Angrier, More irritated

耕作 geng¯ zuoˋ

Cultivate, Farm

耕作方法 geng¯ zuoˋ fang¯ faˇ

Methods of cultivation

deng, cheng, feng, geng, leng, sheng, zeng, zheng

冷落 lengˇ luoˋ

Left out

冷若冰霜 lengˇ ruoˋ bing¯ shuang¯

As cold as an iceberg, Unfriendly, Unapproachable, Aloof

冷作工 lengˇ zuoˋ gong¯

Cold rolled steel, Construction steel

deng, cheng, feng, geng, leng, sheng, zeng, zheng

聖多美和普林西比 shengˋ duo¯ meiˇ hanˋ puˇ linˊ xi¯ biˇ

São Tomé And Príncipe

勝過 sheng¯ guoˋ

Superior, Prevail over

生活 sheng¯ huoˊ

Live life, Live, Life

生活了 sheng¯ huoˊ le˙


生活在一個生態系統裡 sheng¯ huoˊ zaiˋ yiˊ ge˙ sheng¯ taiˋ xiˋ tongˇ liˇ

Living within an ecosystem

生活得怎麼樣 sheng¯ huoˊ de˙ zenˇ me˙ yangˋ

How's life

生活怎麼那麼悲慘 sheng¯ huoˊ zenˇ me˙ naˋ me˙ bei¯ canˇ

How is it that life sucks so much

生活情趣 sheng¯ huoˊ qingˊ quˋ

Enjoy life

生活方式 sheng¯ huoˊ fang¯ shiˋ


生活空間 sheng¯ huoˊ kong¯ jian¯

Living area

生活費 sheng¯ huoˊ feiˋ

Alimony, Cost of living, Living expenses

生活過的地方 sheng¯ huoˊ guoˋ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Place someone lived or spent most of their life

升火暖 sheng¯ huoˇ nuanˇ

Heat up with a fire, Warm up

生火 sheng¯ huoˇ

Start a fire

生火用的火弓 sheng¯ huoˇ yongˋ de˙ huoˇ gong¯

Fire bow, Bow for starting fires

繩索 shengˊ suoˇ


聖所 shengˋ suoˇ

Sanctuary, Sanctum

生我的氣 sheng¯ woˇ de˙ qiˋ

Got angry with me

deng, cheng, feng, geng, leng, sheng, zeng, zheng

增多 zeng¯ duo¯

Increase in quantity

deng, cheng, feng, geng, leng, sheng, zeng, zheng

爭奪 zheng¯ duoˊ

Struggle, Fight, Vie, Contend, Compete

正朔 zheng¯ shuoˋ

First day of the first lunar month

掙脫 zheng¯ tuo¯

Break free, Work loose

掙脫前衝 zheng¯ tuo¯ qianˊ chong¯

Break free

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

燈火 deng¯ huoˇ

Lights, Illumination

封鎖 feng¯ suoˇ

Blocked, Sealed

峰鎖骨關節 feng¯ suoˇ guˇ guan¯ jieˊ

Acromio-Clavicular Joint

升火暖 sheng¯ huoˇ nuanˇ

Heat up with a fire, Warm up

生火 sheng¯ huoˇ

Start a fire

生火用的火弓 sheng¯ huoˇ yongˋ de˙ huoˇ gong¯

Fire bow, Bow for starting fires

生我的氣 sheng¯ woˇ de˙ qiˋ

Got angry with me

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

增多 zeng¯ duo¯

Increase in quantity

掙脫 zheng¯ tuo¯

Break free, Work loose

掙脫前衝 zheng¯ tuo¯ qianˊ chong¯

Break free

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

封國 feng¯ guoˊ

Fiefdom, Kingdom, Kingdoms

生活 sheng¯ huoˊ

Live life, Live, Life

生活了 sheng¯ huoˊ le˙


生活在一個生態系統裡 sheng¯ huoˊ zaiˋ yiˊ ge˙ sheng¯ taiˋ xiˋ tongˇ liˇ

Living within an ecosystem

生活得怎麼樣 sheng¯ huoˊ de˙ zenˇ me˙ yangˋ

How's life

生活怎麼那麼悲慘 sheng¯ huoˊ zenˇ me˙ naˋ me˙ bei¯ canˇ

How is it that life sucks so much

生活情趣 sheng¯ huoˊ qingˊ quˋ

Enjoy life

生活方式 sheng¯ huoˊ fang¯ shiˋ


生活空間 sheng¯ huoˊ kong¯ jian¯

Living area

生活費 sheng¯ huoˊ feiˋ

Alimony, Cost of living, Living expenses

生活過的地方 sheng¯ huoˊ guoˋ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Place someone lived or spent most of their life

爭奪 zheng¯ duoˊ

Struggle, Fight, Vie, Contend, Compete

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

撐過 cheng¯ guoˋ


稱作 cheng¯ zuoˋ

Called, Referred to as…

豐碩 feng¯ shuoˋ


耕作 geng¯ zuoˋ

Cultivate, Farm

耕作方法 geng¯ zuoˋ fang¯ faˇ

Methods of cultivation

勝過 sheng¯ guoˋ

Superior, Prevail over

正朔 zheng¯ shuoˋ

First day of the first lunar month

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

成縮小 chengˊ suo¯ xiaoˇ

Shrink, Reduce

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

成果 chengˊ guoˇ

Results, Achievements

成果越好 chengˊ guoˇ yueˋ haoˇ

The better the result

繩索 shengˊ suoˇ


13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

承諾 chengˊ nuoˋ

Committed to

乘坐 chengˊ zuoˋ

Use (for transport), Ride, Mount, Take

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

等我一下 dengˇ woˇ yiˊ xiaˋ

Wait a moment, Wait for me

等我們稍微聊聊以後 dengˇ woˇ men˙ shao¯ weiˊ liaoˊ liaoˊ yiˇ houˋ

After we've talked for a bit

等我把你整治完了 dengˇ woˇ baˇ niˇ zhengˇ zhiˋ wanˊ le˙

When I'm done with you

等我把妳整治完了 dengˇ woˇ baˇ niˇ zhengˇ zhiˋ wanˊ le˙

When I'm done with you

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

冷落 lengˇ luoˋ

Left out

冷若冰霜 lengˇ ruoˋ bing¯ shuang¯

As cold as an iceberg, Unfriendly, Unapproachable, Aloof

冷作工 lengˇ zuoˋ gong¯

Cold rolled steel, Construction steel

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

更多 gengˋ duo¯

Many more, Much more

更多的人 gengˋ duo¯ de˙ renˊ

Lots of people

聖多美和普林西比 shengˋ duo¯ meiˇ hanˋ puˇ linˊ xi¯ biˇ

São Tomé And Príncipe

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

更火大了 gengˋ huoˇ daˋ le˙

Angrier, More irritated

聖所 shengˋ suoˇ

Sanctuary, Sanctum

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

更過分 gengˋ guoˋ fenˋ

Even worse


人-火 : > : > [燈]-燈火 : > [燈]-燈火 >

人-火 : > : > [火]-燈火 : > [火]-燈火 >

燈火 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 燈

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