
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 狗


Dog team

gouˇ qunˊ

狗 gouˇ

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 狗群 (ou-yun)

Grouped by first phone

gou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

狗群 gouˇ qunˊ

Dog team

gou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

肉蕈 rouˋ xunˋ

White Mushrooms

gou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

受訓 shouˋ xunˋ

Trained, Training

gou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

搜尋 sou¯ xunˊ

Search, Searching

搜尋光 sou¯ xunˊ guang¯

Searchlight, Searchlights

搜尋過 sou¯ xunˊ guoˋ

Search through, Look through

gou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

頭暈 touˊ yunˋ

Dizzy, Light headed

gou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

走運了 zouˇ yunˋ le˙


Grouped in tone pairs

32, 12, 24, 34, 44

狗群 gouˇ qunˊ

Dog team

32, 12, 24, 34, 44

搜尋 sou¯ xunˊ

Search, Searching

搜尋光 sou¯ xunˊ guang¯

Searchlight, Searchlights

搜尋過 sou¯ xunˊ guoˋ

Search through, Look through

32, 12, 24, 34, 44

頭暈 touˊ yunˋ

Dizzy, Light headed

32, 12, 24, 34, 44

走運了 zouˇ yunˋ le˙


32, 12, 24, 34, 44

肉蕈 rouˋ xunˋ

White Mushrooms

受訓 shouˋ xunˋ

Trained, Training


十-犭 : > : > [狗]-狗群 : > [狗]-狗群 >

𠃌-尹 : > : > [群]-狗群 : > [群]-狗群 >

狗群 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 狗

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