
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 王


Kingdom, Empire

wangˊ guoˊ

王 wangˊ
King, Ruler

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 王國 (wang-wo)

Grouped by first phone

wang, chuang, guang, zhuang

亡國 wangˊ guoˊ

Subjugated nation, Conquered country

王國 wangˊ guoˊ

Kingdom, Empire

網羅 wangˇ luo¯

Snare, Trap, Collect

網絡 wangˇ luoˋ


忘我 wangˋ woˇ


往左 wangˇ zuoˇ

To the left

往左飄動 wangˇ zuoˇ piao¯ dongˋ

Drifted to the left

wang, chuang, guang, zhuang

闖過 chuangˇ guoˋ

Rushed through

闖禍 chuangˇ huoˋ

Act carelessly and cause an accident, Suffer misfortune

創作 chuangˋ zuoˋ

To author, Write, Piece of literature, Art, Creative output, Do art, Create art

wang, chuang, guang, zhuang

廣闊 guangˇ kuoˋ

Vast, Broad

光渦 guang¯ wo¯


wang, chuang, guang, zhuang

撞過來 zhuangˋ guoˋ laiˊ

Crashing in, Come crash into

壯碩 zhuangˋ shuoˋ

Powerful, Big and strong, Stocky, Chunky

壯碩身材 zhuangˋ shuoˋ shen¯ caiˊ

Large and strong physique

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 11, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

亡國 wangˊ guoˊ

Subjugated nation, Conquered country

王國 wangˊ guoˊ

Kingdom, Empire

22, 11, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

光渦 guang¯ wo¯


22, 11, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

網羅 wangˇ luo¯

Snare, Trap, Collect

22, 11, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

往左 wangˇ zuoˇ

To the left

往左飄動 wangˇ zuoˇ piao¯ dongˋ

Drifted to the left

22, 11, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

闖過 chuangˇ guoˋ

Rushed through

闖禍 chuangˇ huoˋ

Act carelessly and cause an accident, Suffer misfortune

廣闊 guangˇ kuoˋ

Vast, Broad

網絡 wangˇ luoˋ


22, 11, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

忘我 wangˋ woˇ


22, 11, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

創作 chuangˋ zuoˋ

To author, Write, Piece of literature, Art, Creative output, Do art, Create art

撞過來 zhuangˋ guoˋ laiˊ

Crashing in, Come crash into

壯碩 zhuangˋ shuoˋ

Powerful, Big and strong, Stocky, Chunky

壯碩身材 zhuangˋ shuoˋ shen¯ caiˊ

Large and strong physique


一-王 : > : > [王]-王國 : > [王]-王國 >

口-囗 : > : > [國]-王國 : > [國]-王國 >

王國 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 王

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