
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 法


Use beautiful calligraphy

yongˋ piaoˋ liangˋ de˙ shu¯ faˇ

法 faˇ, faˊ, fa¯, faˋ
Method, Style, French, Law, Way Of Doing, Pattern, Regulation, (Fa4), Translit for F

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


漂亮 piaoˋ liangˋ

漂亮的 piaoˋ liangˋ de˙

書法 shu¯ faˇ

Words that rhyme with 用漂亮的書法 (yong-yao)

Grouped by first phone

yong, xiong

用腳 yongˋ jiaoˇ

Use foot, Used foot

用腳跟 yongˋ jiaoˇ gen¯

Use the heel, Use the heels, Use your heel, Use your heels

用腳跟平衡 yongˋ jiaoˇ gen¯ pingˊ hengˊ

Balance on your heel, Balance on your heels, Balance on one heel, Balance on the heels, Balancing on one heel, Balancing on the heels

用漂亮的書法 yongˋ piaoˋ liangˋ de˙ shu¯ faˇ

Use beautiful calligraphy

yong, xiong

胸小肌 xiong¯ xiaoˇ ji¯

Pectoralis Minor

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 13, 43

用漂亮的書法 yongˋ piaoˋ liangˋ de˙ shu¯ faˇ

Use beautiful calligraphy

44, 13, 43

胸小肌 xiong¯ xiaoˇ ji¯

Pectoralis Minor

44, 13, 43

用腳 yongˋ jiaoˇ

Use foot, Used foot

用腳跟 yongˋ jiaoˇ gen¯

Use the heel, Use the heels, Use your heel, Use your heels

用腳跟平衡 yongˋ jiaoˇ gen¯ pingˊ hengˊ

Balance on your heel, Balance on your heels, Balance on one heel, Balance on the heels, Balancing on one heel, Balancing on the heels


冂-⺆ : > : > [用]-用漂 : > [用]-用漂亮的書法 >

丶-氵 : > : > [漂]-漂亮 : > [漂]-用漂亮的書法 >

丶-亠 : > : > [亮]-漂亮 : > [亮]-用漂亮的書法 >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-的書 : > [的]-用漂亮的書法 >

十-肀 : > : > [書]-書法 : > [書]-用漂亮的書法 >

丶-氵 : > : > [法]-書法 : > [法]-用漂亮的書法 >

用漂亮的書法 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 法

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