
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 雙


Use the feet to, Use your feet to, Using the feet as, Using your feet as

yongˋ shuang¯ jiaoˇ laiˊ

雙 shuang¯
Double, Pair, Two, Both, MW For Paired Objects

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


雙腳 shuang¯ jiaoˇ

Words that rhyme with 用雙腳來 (yong-wang)

Grouped by first phone


用光 yongˋ guang¯

Use up, Run out of, Exhaust, Deplete

用光筒 yongˋ guang¯ tongˇ

Using a flashlight

用雙腳來 yongˋ shuang¯ jiaoˇ laiˊ

Use the feet to, Use your feet to, Using the feet as, Using your feet as

用雙腳來感覺 yongˋ shuang¯ jiaoˇ laiˊ ganˇ jueˊ

Use both feet to feel, Use the feet to feel

用雙腳當作 yongˋ shuang¯ jiaoˇ dang¯ zuoˋ

Use both feet as, Use the feet as

勇往直前 yongˇ wangˇ zhiˊ qianˊ

Go forward

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 33

用光 yongˋ guang¯

Use up, Run out of, Exhaust, Deplete

用光筒 yongˋ guang¯ tongˇ

Using a flashlight

用雙腳來 yongˋ shuang¯ jiaoˇ laiˊ

Use the feet to, Use your feet to, Using the feet as, Using your feet as

用雙腳來感覺 yongˋ shuang¯ jiaoˇ laiˊ ganˇ jueˊ

Use both feet to feel, Use the feet to feel

用雙腳當作 yongˋ shuang¯ jiaoˇ dang¯ zuoˋ

Use both feet as, Use the feet as

41, 33

勇往直前 yongˇ wangˇ zhiˊ qianˊ

Go forward


冂-⺆ : > : > [用]-用雙 : > [用]-用雙腳來 >

丿-亻 : > : > [雙]-雙腳 : > [雙]-用雙腳來 >

冂-月 : > : > [腳]-雙腳 : > [腳]-用雙腳來 >

十-木 : > : > [來]-腳來 : > [來]-用雙腳來 >

用雙腳來 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 雙

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