
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 壓


Due to a pressure release valve failure

youˊ yuˊ jianˇ ya¯ faˊ shi¯ xiaoˋ

壓 ya¯, yaˋ
Press, Push Down, Oppress, Crush, Control, Quell, Close In, Pigeonhole, Excel, Surpass Others

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Phone , Tone


由於 youˊ yuˊ

減壓 jianˇ ya¯

減壓閥 jianˇ ya¯ faˊ

失效 shi¯ xiaoˋ

Words that rhyme with 由於減壓閥失效 (you-yu)

Grouped by first phone

you, jiu, liu, niu, xiu

郵局 youˊ juˊ

Post office

有居留權 youˇ ju¯ liuˊ quanˊ

Have the right of above

有句諺語說 youˇ juˋ yanˋ yuˇ shuo¯

There's a saying, There's a phrase

憂慮 you¯ luuˋ


有趣 youˇ quˋ

Interesting, Amusing

有趣味的 youˇ quˋ weiˋ de˙

Interesting, Interesting experiences

有趣的事物 youˇ quˋ de˙ shiˋ wuˋ

Interesting things

有趣的故事 youˇ quˋ de˙ guˋ shiˋ

Interesting story, Interesting stories

有鬚眉氣 youˇ xu¯ meiˊ qiˋ

She has manly qualities

有許多才能 youˇ xuˇ duo¯ caiˊ nengˊ

Had many talents

有許多顆蘋果 youˇ xuˇ duo¯ ke¯ pingˊ guoˇ

There are many apples

有序 youˇ xuˋ

Orderly, Organized

憂鬱 you¯ yuˋ


由於 youˊ yuˊ

Since, Because of, Owing to, Given

由於天候因素 youˊ yuˊ tian¯ houˋ yin¯ suˋ

Due to weather

由於減壓閥失效 youˊ yuˊ jianˇ ya¯ faˊ shi¯ xiaoˋ

Due to a pressure release valve failure

魷魚 youˊ yuˊ


猶豫 youˊ yuˋ

Hesitant, Undecided, Unsure

猶豫不決 youˊ yuˋ buˋ jueˊ


猶豫了 youˊ yuˋ le˙


猶豫了很長一段時間 youˊ yuˋ le˙ henˇ changˊ yiˊ duanˋ shiˊ jian¯

Hesitated a long time

猶豫了那麼百分之一秒 youˊ yuˋ le˙ naˋ me˙ baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ yi¯ miaoˇ

Hesitated for a split second

猶豫片刻 youˊ yuˋ pianˋ keˋ


有愉快的稱呼法 youˇ yuˊ kuaiˋ de˙ cheng¯ hu¯ faˇ

Refer to them with pleasant sounding names

有遇到問題 youˇ yuˋ daoˋ wenˋ tiˊ

If problems are encountered, If there are any problems, If you run into any problems

you, jiu, liu, niu, xiu

就緒 jiuˋ xuˋ


you, jiu, liu, niu, xiu

留居 liuˊ ju¯

To settle in a place, Stay on in a place

留餘地 liuˊ yuˊ diˋ

Not go too far, Not go to extremes, Allow for unseen circumstances, Not push one's luck

流域 liuˊ yuˋ

Drainage basement, Catchment, River basin, Valley

you, jiu, liu, niu, xiu

扭曲 niuˇ qu¯

Twist, Contort, Writhe

you, jiu, liu, niu, xiu

休旅車 xiu¯ luuˇ che¯

RV, Recreational vehicle, Mobile home, Camper

繡女 xiuˋ nuuˇ

Woman or women heavily made up

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

留餘地 liuˊ yuˊ diˋ

Not go too far, Not go to extremes, Allow for unseen circumstances, Not push one's luck

郵局 youˊ juˊ

Post office

由於 youˊ yuˊ

Since, Because of, Owing to, Given

由於天候因素 youˊ yuˊ tian¯ houˋ yin¯ suˋ

Due to weather

由於減壓閥失效 youˊ yuˊ jianˇ ya¯ faˊ shi¯ xiaoˋ

Due to a pressure release valve failure

魷魚 youˊ yuˊ


22, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

休旅車 xiu¯ luuˇ che¯

RV, Recreational vehicle, Mobile home, Camper

22, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

憂慮 you¯ luuˋ


憂鬱 you¯ yuˋ


22, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

留居 liuˊ ju¯

To settle in a place, Stay on in a place

22, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

流域 liuˊ yuˋ

Drainage basement, Catchment, River basin, Valley

猶豫 youˊ yuˋ

Hesitant, Undecided, Unsure

猶豫不決 youˊ yuˋ buˋ jueˊ


猶豫了 youˊ yuˋ le˙


猶豫了很長一段時間 youˊ yuˋ le˙ henˇ changˊ yiˊ duanˋ shiˊ jian¯

Hesitated a long time

猶豫了那麼百分之一秒 youˊ yuˋ le˙ naˋ me˙ baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ yi¯ miaoˇ

Hesitated for a split second

猶豫片刻 youˊ yuˋ pianˋ keˋ


22, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

扭曲 niuˇ qu¯

Twist, Contort, Writhe

有居留權 youˇ ju¯ liuˊ quanˊ

Have the right of above

有鬚眉氣 youˇ xu¯ meiˊ qiˋ

She has manly qualities

22, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

有愉快的稱呼法 youˇ yuˊ kuaiˋ de˙ cheng¯ hu¯ faˇ

Refer to them with pleasant sounding names

22, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

有許多才能 youˇ xuˇ duo¯ caiˊ nengˊ

Had many talents

有許多顆蘋果 youˇ xuˇ duo¯ ke¯ pingˊ guoˇ

There are many apples

22, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

有句諺語說 youˇ juˋ yanˋ yuˇ shuo¯

There's a saying, There's a phrase

有趣 youˇ quˋ

Interesting, Amusing

有趣味的 youˇ quˋ weiˋ de˙

Interesting, Interesting experiences

有趣的事物 youˇ quˋ de˙ shiˋ wuˋ

Interesting things

有趣的故事 youˇ quˋ de˙ guˋ shiˋ

Interesting story, Interesting stories

有序 youˇ xuˋ

Orderly, Organized

有遇到問題 youˇ yuˋ daoˋ wenˋ tiˊ

If problems are encountered, If there are any problems, If you run into any problems

22, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

繡女 xiuˋ nuuˇ

Woman or women heavily made up

22, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

就緒 jiuˋ xuˋ


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