
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 畫


In the drawing

huaˋ zhong¯

畫 huaˋ
Draw, Paint, Mark Off, Delimit, Plan, Design, Calligraphy Stroke, Picture, Painting, Illustration

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 畫中 (wa-wong)

Grouped by first phone

hua, gua, shua, wa

花東 hua¯ dong¯


化工 huaˋ gong¯

Chemical industry, Workings of nature

畫龍點睛 huaˋ longˊ dianˇ jing¯

Add eyeballs to the picture of a dragon, Add the finishing touches

話筒 huaˋ tongˇ

Microphone, Receiver, Telephone receiver

話筒的電線 huaˋ tongˇ de˙ dianˋ xianˋ

Phone cord, Microphone cable

畫中 huaˋ zhong¯

In the drawing

畫中的 huaˋ zhong¯ de˙

In the drawing

hua, gua, shua, wa

掛紅彩 guaˋ hongˊ caiˇ

Hanging red decorations (for luck)

hua, gua, shua, wa

耍弄 shuaˇ nongˋ

Deceive, Make a fool of

hua, gua, shua, wa

挖洞 wa¯ dongˋ

Dig, Excavate

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 11, 14, 34, 42, 43

化工 huaˋ gong¯

Chemical industry, Workings of nature

畫中 huaˋ zhong¯

In the drawing

畫中的 huaˋ zhong¯ de˙

In the drawing

41, 11, 14, 34, 42, 43

花東 hua¯ dong¯


41, 11, 14, 34, 42, 43

挖洞 wa¯ dongˋ

Dig, Excavate

41, 11, 14, 34, 42, 43

耍弄 shuaˇ nongˋ

Deceive, Make a fool of

41, 11, 14, 34, 42, 43

掛紅彩 guaˋ hongˊ caiˇ

Hanging red decorations (for luck)

畫龍點睛 huaˋ longˊ dianˇ jing¯

Add eyeballs to the picture of a dragon, Add the finishing touches

41, 11, 14, 34, 42, 43

話筒 huaˋ tongˇ

Microphone, Receiver, Telephone receiver

話筒的電線 huaˋ tongˇ de˙ dianˋ xianˋ

Phone cord, Microphone cable


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畫中 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 畫

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