
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 真


Really interesting

zhen¯ youˇ quˋ

真 zhen¯
Real, True, Genuine, Genuinely

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Phone , Tone


有趣 youˇ quˋ

Words that rhyme with 真有趣 (en-you)

Grouped by first phone

zhen, chen, hen, ken, pen, ren, shen

針灸 zhen¯ jiuˇ


真有趣 zhen¯ youˇ quˋ

Really interesting

zhen, chen, hen, ken, pen, ren, shen

陳舊 chenˊ jiuˋ


zhen, chen, hen, ken, pen, ren, shen

很久 henˇ jiuˇ

For a long time, It's been a long time

很久以前 henˇ jiuˇ yiˇ qianˊ

A long time ago, Once upon a time

很久很久以前 henˇ jiuˇ henˇ jiuˇ yiˇ qianˊ

A very long time ago

很久沒見面了 henˇ jiuˇ meiˊ jianˋ mianˋ le˙

It's been a while! Long time no see!

很有一套 henˇ youˇ yiˊ taoˋ

Had a procedure and stuck to it, Proceed methodically

很有可能 henˇ youˇ keˇ nengˊ

Very likely

很有才華 henˇ youˇ caiˊ huaˊ

Very talented

很有活力 henˇ youˇ huoˊ liˋ

Full of life, Lively

很有用 henˇ youˇ yongˋ


很有趣 henˇ youˇ quˋ

Interesting, Very interesting

很有趣而不只是怪異 henˇ youˇ quˋ erˊ buˋ zhiˇ shiˋ guaiˋ yiˋ

Was interesting instead of just being weird

很有道理 henˇ youˇ daoˋ liˇ

Very sensible, Very reasonable, Very true, Makes a lot of sense

很有限 henˇ youˇ xianˋ

Very limited

zhen, chen, hen, ken, pen, ren, shen

懇留 kenˇ liuˊ

Beseech a person to stay

懇求 kenˇ qiuˊ

Plead, Implore, Beseech, Entreat

zhen, chen, hen, ken, pen, ren, shen

噴流 pen¯ liuˊ

Jet stream, Flowing jet of

zhen, chen, hen, ken, pen, ren, shen

人就算是死 renˊ jiuˋ suanˋ shiˋ siˇ

Even dead people

人流 renˊ liuˊ

Stream of people

任由 renˋ youˊ

Let, Lets, Letting

zhen, chen, hen, ken, pen, ren, shen

神遊 shenˊ youˊ

Imaginary tour, Daydream, Wander, Wandering

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 12, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42

針灸 zhen¯ jiuˇ


真有趣 zhen¯ youˇ quˋ

Really interesting

13, 12, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42

噴流 pen¯ liuˊ

Jet stream, Flowing jet of

13, 12, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42

人流 renˊ liuˊ

Stream of people

神遊 shenˊ youˊ

Imaginary tour, Daydream, Wander, Wandering

13, 12, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42

陳舊 chenˊ jiuˋ


人就算是死 renˊ jiuˋ suanˋ shiˋ siˇ

Even dead people

13, 12, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42

懇留 kenˇ liuˊ

Beseech a person to stay

懇求 kenˇ qiuˊ

Plead, Implore, Beseech, Entreat

13, 12, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42

很久 henˇ jiuˇ

For a long time, It's been a long time

很久以前 henˇ jiuˇ yiˇ qianˊ

A long time ago, Once upon a time

很久很久以前 henˇ jiuˇ henˇ jiuˇ yiˇ qianˊ

A very long time ago

很久沒見面了 henˇ jiuˇ meiˊ jianˋ mianˋ le˙

It's been a while! Long time no see!

很有一套 henˇ youˇ yiˊ taoˋ

Had a procedure and stuck to it, Proceed methodically

很有可能 henˇ youˇ keˇ nengˊ

Very likely

很有才華 henˇ youˇ caiˊ huaˊ

Very talented

很有活力 henˇ youˇ huoˊ liˋ

Full of life, Lively

很有用 henˇ youˇ yongˋ


很有趣 henˇ youˇ quˋ

Interesting, Very interesting

很有趣而不只是怪異 henˇ youˇ quˋ erˊ buˋ zhiˇ shiˋ guaiˋ yiˋ

Was interesting instead of just being weird

很有道理 henˇ youˇ daoˋ liˇ

Very sensible, Very reasonable, Very true, Makes a lot of sense

很有限 henˇ youˇ xianˋ

Very limited

13, 12, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42

任由 renˋ youˊ

Let, Lets, Letting


十-十 : > : > [真]-真有 : > [真]-真有趣 >

十-𠂇 : > : > [有]-有趣 : > [有]-真有趣 >

十-土 : > : > [趣]-有趣 : > [趣]-真有趣 >

真有趣 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 真

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