
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 砰


Onomatopoeic for the sound a drum makes

peng¯ peng¯ peng¯

砰 peng¯
Sound Of Crashing Stones

砰 砰 砰 (hide char details)

Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 砰砰砰 (eng-eng)

Grouped by first phone

peng, beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, sheng, zheng

鵬程萬里 pengˊ chengˊ wanˋ liˇ

Bright future

砰砰砰 peng¯ peng¯ peng¯

Onomatopoeic for the sound a drum makes

蓬蓬鬆鬆 pengˊ pengˊ song¯ song¯


碰碰 pengˋ pengˋ

Nudge, Nudges, Nudging, Nudged, Touch, Touches, Touching, Touched

碰碰車 pengˋ pengˋ che¯

Bumper cars

peng, beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, sheng, zheng

蹦蹦跳跳 bengˋ bengˋ tiaoˋ tiaoˋ

Jumping up and down

peng, beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, sheng, zheng

層層 cengˊ cengˊ


層層疊上 cengˊ cengˊ dieˊ shangˋ

Piled on top of

層層白絲 cengˊ cengˊ baiˊ si¯

Layers of white silk

peng, beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, sheng, zheng

澄澄 chengˊ chengˊ


逞能 chengˇ nengˊ

Show off

peng, beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, sheng, zheng

等等 dengˇ dengˇ

Wait, Hold on, And so on, Etc.

等朋友 dengˇ pengˊ youˇ

Waiting for a friend

peng, beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, sheng, zheng

風風雨雨 feng¯ feng¯ yuˇ yuˇ

Ups and downs

豐盛 feng¯ shengˋ


風箏 feng¯ zheng¯


peng, beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, sheng, zheng

更成為 gengˋ chengˊ weiˊ

Also became

更成長 gengˋ chengˊ zhangˇ

Grown more, Grown even more

更豐富 gengˋ feng¯ fuˋ

More interesting

更正 geng¯ zhengˋ


peng, beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, sheng, zheng

哼哼 heng¯ heng¯

Hum, Hem, Groan, Moan

peng, beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, sheng, zheng

吭聲 keng¯ sheng¯


peng, beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, sheng, zheng

冷風 lengˇ feng¯

Cold wind

冷冷 lengˇ lengˇ


冷冷的寒風 lengˇ lengˇ de˙ hanˊ feng¯

Cold winter wind

愣愣 lengˋ lengˋ

Simply, Stupidly

愣愣望著 lengˋ lengˋ wangˋ zhe˙

Looked at stupidly, Gaze at stupidly

愣愣望著酒瓶 lengˋ lengˋ wangˋ zhe˙ jiuˇ pingˊ

Looked at the bottle of booze stupidly, Gazed stupidly at the bottle of booze

peng, beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, sheng, zheng

猛增 mengˇ zeng¯

Surge, Surged, Soared, Increased significantly

peng, beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, sheng, zheng

聲稱 sheng¯ cheng¯

Claim, Declare, Assert

聲稱全是垃圾 sheng¯ cheng¯ quanˊ shiˋ leˋ seˋ

Declared that it was all garbage

生成 sheng¯ chengˊ

Generate, Produce

生成物 sheng¯ chengˊ wuˋ

Product of a reaction, Product

聲能學 sheng¯ nengˊ xueˊ

Acoustics, Sonics

生生不息 sheng¯ sheng¯ buˋ xiˊ

Multiply endlessly

繩繩 shengˊ shengˊ

Continuous, Unending, Cautious, Righteous

peng, beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, sheng, zheng

正等 zhengˋ dengˇ

Waiting, Waited, Awaited

正等著 zhengˋ dengˇ zhe˙

Waiting, Awaited

正能量 zhengˋ nengˊ liangˋ

Positive energy

整整 zhengˇ zhengˇ


整整一週 zhengˇ zhengˇ yiˋ zhou¯

A whole week, For exactly one week

正整數 zhengˋ zhengˇ shuˋ

Positive integer

正正常常 zhengˋ zhengˋ changˊ changˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

11, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

風風雨雨 feng¯ feng¯ yuˇ yuˇ

Ups and downs

風箏 feng¯ zheng¯


哼哼 heng¯ heng¯

Hum, Hem, Groan, Moan

吭聲 keng¯ sheng¯


砰砰砰 peng¯ peng¯ peng¯

Onomatopoeic for the sound a drum makes

聲稱 sheng¯ cheng¯

Claim, Declare, Assert

聲稱全是垃圾 sheng¯ cheng¯ quanˊ shiˋ leˋ seˋ

Declared that it was all garbage

生生不息 sheng¯ sheng¯ buˋ xiˊ

Multiply endlessly

11, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

生成 sheng¯ chengˊ

Generate, Produce

生成物 sheng¯ chengˊ wuˋ

Product of a reaction, Product

聲能學 sheng¯ nengˊ xueˊ

Acoustics, Sonics

11, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

豐盛 feng¯ shengˋ


更正 geng¯ zhengˋ


11, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

層層 cengˊ cengˊ


層層疊上 cengˊ cengˊ dieˊ shangˋ

Piled on top of

層層白絲 cengˊ cengˊ baiˊ si¯

Layers of white silk

澄澄 chengˊ chengˊ


鵬程萬里 pengˊ chengˊ wanˋ liˇ

Bright future

蓬蓬鬆鬆 pengˊ pengˊ song¯ song¯


繩繩 shengˊ shengˊ

Continuous, Unending, Cautious, Righteous

11, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

冷風 lengˇ feng¯

Cold wind

猛增 mengˇ zeng¯

Surge, Surged, Soared, Increased significantly

11, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

逞能 chengˇ nengˊ

Show off

等朋友 dengˇ pengˊ youˇ

Waiting for a friend

11, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

等等 dengˇ dengˇ

Wait, Hold on, And so on, Etc.

冷冷 lengˇ lengˇ


冷冷的寒風 lengˇ lengˇ de˙ hanˊ feng¯

Cold winter wind

整整 zhengˇ zhengˇ


整整一週 zhengˇ zhengˇ yiˋ zhou¯

A whole week, For exactly one week

11, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

更豐富 gengˋ feng¯ fuˋ

More interesting

11, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

更成為 gengˋ chengˊ weiˊ

Also became

更成長 gengˋ chengˊ zhangˇ

Grown more, Grown even more

正能量 zhengˋ nengˊ liangˋ

Positive energy

11, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

正等 zhengˋ dengˇ

Waiting, Waited, Awaited

正等著 zhengˋ dengˇ zhe˙

Waiting, Awaited

正整數 zhengˋ zhengˇ shuˋ

Positive integer

11, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

蹦蹦跳跳 bengˋ bengˋ tiaoˋ tiaoˋ

Jumping up and down

愣愣 lengˋ lengˋ

Simply, Stupidly

愣愣望著 lengˋ lengˋ wangˋ zhe˙

Looked at stupidly, Gaze at stupidly

愣愣望著酒瓶 lengˋ lengˋ wangˋ zhe˙ jiuˇ pingˊ

Looked at the bottle of booze stupidly, Gazed stupidly at the bottle of booze

碰碰 pengˋ pengˋ

Nudge, Nudges, Nudging, Nudged, Touch, Touches, Touching, Touched

碰碰車 pengˋ pengˋ che¯

Bumper cars

正正常常 zhengˋ zhengˋ changˊ changˊ



一-石 : > : > [砰]-砰砰 : > [砰]-砰砰砰 >

一-石 : > : > [砰]-砰砰 : > [砰]-砰砰砰 >

一-石 : > : > [砰]-砰砰 : > [砰]-砰砰砰 >

砰砰砰 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 砰

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