
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 磨


Polish, Burnish

moˊ guang¯

磨 moˊ, moˋ
Rub, Grind, Polish, Sharpen, Wear Down, Wear Out, Worn, Hardship, Suffering, Obstacles, Set backs

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 磨光 (o-wang)

Grouped by first phone

mo, bo

磨床 moˊ chuangˊ

Grinding machine, Grinder

磨光 moˊ guang¯

Polish, Burnish

磨光機 moˊ guang¯ ji¯

Polishing machine

mo, bo

剝光 bo¯ guang¯


Grouped in tone pairs

21, 11, 22

磨光 moˊ guang¯

Polish, Burnish

磨光機 moˊ guang¯ ji¯

Polishing machine

21, 11, 22

剝光 bo¯ guang¯


21, 11, 22

磨床 moˊ chuangˊ

Grinding machine, Grinder


丶-广 : > : > [磨]-磨光 : > [磨]-磨光 >

人-⺌ : > : > [光]-磨光 : > [光]-磨光 >

磨光 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 磨

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