
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 策


Make a plan, Make plans, Plan

ceˋ huaˋ

策 ceˋ
Policy, Scheme, Plan, Strategy, Urge, Spur On, Whip

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 策畫 (e-wa)

Grouped by first phone

ce, de, e, he, ke

策劃 ceˋ huaˋ

Plan, Plot, Hatch a plan

策畫 ceˋ huaˋ

Make a plan, Make plans, Plan

ce, de, e, he, ke

得花上好幾個星期 deˊ hua¯ shangˋ haoˇ jiˇ ge˙ xing¯ qiˊ

It would take weeks

的話 de˙ huaˋ


ce, de, e, he, ke

厄瓜多爾 eˋ gua¯ duo¯ erˇ


惡化 eˋ huaˋ


ce, de, e, he, ke

荷花 heˊ hua¯

Lotus flower

荷花池 heˊ hua¯ chiˊ

Lotus flower pond

荷花池邊的亭 heˊ hua¯ chiˊ bian¯ de˙ tingˊ

Pavilion beside the lotus flower pond

ce, de, e, he, ke

可花 keˇ hua¯

Cost, May have cost

可花了 keˇ hua¯ le˙

Cost, May have cost

刻花 keˋ hua¯

Cut glass

刻畫 keˋ huaˋ

Depict, Portray

刻話特多 keˋ huaˋ teˋ duo¯

Goes on and on, Talks endlessly

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 21, 31, 41, 54

策劃 ceˋ huaˋ

Plan, Plot, Hatch a plan

策畫 ceˋ huaˋ

Make a plan, Make plans, Plan

惡化 eˋ huaˋ


刻畫 keˋ huaˋ

Depict, Portray

刻話特多 keˋ huaˋ teˋ duo¯

Goes on and on, Talks endlessly

44, 21, 31, 41, 54

得花上好幾個星期 deˊ hua¯ shangˋ haoˇ jiˇ ge˙ xing¯ qiˊ

It would take weeks

荷花 heˊ hua¯

Lotus flower

荷花池 heˊ hua¯ chiˊ

Lotus flower pond

荷花池邊的亭 heˊ hua¯ chiˊ bian¯ de˙ tingˊ

Pavilion beside the lotus flower pond

44, 21, 31, 41, 54

可花 keˇ hua¯

Cost, May have cost

可花了 keˇ hua¯ le˙

Cost, May have cost

44, 21, 31, 41, 54

厄瓜多爾 eˋ gua¯ duo¯ erˇ


刻花 keˋ hua¯

Cut glass

44, 21, 31, 41, 54

的話 de˙ huaˋ



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十-肀 : > : > [畫]-策畫 : > [畫]-策畫 >

策畫 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 策

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