
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 管


House keeper

guanˇ jia¯

管 guanˇ
Control, Manage, Run, Regulate, Be In Charge Of, Key, Look After, Heed, Pay attention to, Provide, Guarantee, Pipe, Straw, Tube, Wind instrument

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 管家 (wan-ia)

Grouped by first phone

guan, huan, wan, zhuan

管家 guanˇ jia¯

House keeper

管轄 guanˇ xiaˊ


管轄範圍 guanˇ xiaˊ fanˋ weiˊ


guan, huan, wan, zhuan

環甲 huanˊ jiaˇ

Ring mail

guan, huan, wan, zhuan

彎下腰 wan¯ xiaˋ yao¯

Bend over, Lean over, Bent over, Leaned over

guan, huan, wan, zhuan

專家 zhuan¯ jia¯

Professional, Expert, Specialist

專家共同 zhuan¯ jia¯ gongˋ tongˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

31, 11, 14, 23, 32

管家 guanˇ jia¯

House keeper

31, 11, 14, 23, 32

專家 zhuan¯ jia¯

Professional, Expert, Specialist

專家共同 zhuan¯ jia¯ gongˋ tongˊ


31, 11, 14, 23, 32

彎下腰 wan¯ xiaˋ yao¯

Bend over, Lean over, Bent over, Leaned over

31, 11, 14, 23, 32

環甲 huanˊ jiaˇ

Ring mail

31, 11, 14, 23, 32

管轄 guanˇ xiaˊ


管轄範圍 guanˇ xiaˊ fanˋ weiˊ



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管家 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 管

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