
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 綠


Green Curry With Beef, Beef green curry, (Cats: Food-Curry next)

luuˋ ka¯ li¯ niuˊ rouˋ

綠 luuˋ
Green, Greenery, Oasis

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


咖哩 ka¯ li¯

綠咖哩 luuˋ ka¯ li¯

牛肉 niuˊ rouˋ

Words that rhyme with 綠咖哩牛肉 (yu-a)

Grouped by first phone

luu, ju, nuu, qu, yu

綠茶 luuˋ chaˊ

Green Tea

綠茶無糖 luuˋ chaˊ wuˊ tangˊ

Green Tea Without Sugar

律法 luuˋ faˇ


綠咖哩 luuˋ ka¯ li¯

Green Curry

綠咖哩牛肉 luuˋ ka¯ li¯ niuˊ rouˋ

Green Curry With Beef, Beef green curry

綠咖哩雞肉 luuˋ ka¯ li¯ ji¯ rouˋ

Green Curry With Chicken, Chicken green curry

綠咖哩鮮蝦 luuˋ ka¯ li¯ xian¯ xia¯

Green Curry With Shrimp, Shrimp green curry

luu, ju, nuu, qu, yu

巨大 juˋ daˋ

Huge, Giant, Vast, Big, Large

巨大抽象圖案 juˋ daˋ chou¯ xiangˋ tuˊ anˋ

Huge abstract patterns

巨大無比 juˋ daˋ wuˊ biˇ


巨大矩陣 juˋ daˋ juˇ zhenˋ

Vast grid, Giant matrix

巨馬 juˋ maˇ

Huge horse, Huge horses

巨塔 juˋ taˇ

Big building

聚亞胺酯 juˋ yaˋ anˋ zhiˇ


luu, ju, nuu, qu, yu

女大生 nuuˇ daˋ sheng¯

Female student, Female university student

luu, ju, nuu, qu, yu

屈打成招 qu¯ daˇ chengˊ zhao¯

False confession derived from torture

去哪裡 quˋ naˇ liˇ

Going where, Where to?

去爬山 quˋ paˊ shan¯

Go hiking, Go climbing

娶她為妻 quˇ ta¯ weiˋ qi¯

Marry, Take her for his wife

luu, ju, nuu, qu, yu

與大多數 yuˇ daˋ duo¯ shuˋ

As with the vast majority of, Like most

愈大 yuˋ daˋ


語法 yuˇ faˇ


愈發 yuˋ fa¯

Became more

愈發清晰 yuˋ fa¯ qing¯ xi¯

Became clearer, Became sharper

育卡 yuˋ kaˇ


與他 yuˇ ta¯

Together with him

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 13, 31, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

綠咖哩 luuˋ ka¯ li¯

Green Curry

綠咖哩牛肉 luuˋ ka¯ li¯ niuˊ rouˋ

Green Curry With Beef, Beef green curry

綠咖哩雞肉 luuˋ ka¯ li¯ ji¯ rouˋ

Green Curry With Chicken, Chicken green curry

綠咖哩鮮蝦 luuˋ ka¯ li¯ xian¯ xia¯

Green Curry With Shrimp, Shrimp green curry

愈發 yuˋ fa¯

Became more

愈發清晰 yuˋ fa¯ qing¯ xi¯

Became clearer, Became sharper

41, 13, 31, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

屈打成招 qu¯ daˇ chengˊ zhao¯

False confession derived from torture

41, 13, 31, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

娶她為妻 quˇ ta¯ weiˋ qi¯

Marry, Take her for his wife

與他 yuˇ ta¯

Together with him

41, 13, 31, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

語法 yuˇ faˇ


41, 13, 31, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

女大生 nuuˇ daˋ sheng¯

Female student, Female university student

與大多數 yuˇ daˋ duo¯ shuˋ

As with the vast majority of, Like most

41, 13, 31, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

綠茶 luuˋ chaˊ

Green Tea

綠茶無糖 luuˋ chaˊ wuˊ tangˊ

Green Tea Without Sugar

去爬山 quˋ paˊ shan¯

Go hiking, Go climbing

41, 13, 31, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

巨馬 juˋ maˇ

Huge horse, Huge horses

巨塔 juˋ taˇ

Big building

律法 luuˋ faˇ


去哪裡 quˋ naˇ liˇ

Going where, Where to?

育卡 yuˋ kaˇ


41, 13, 31, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

巨大 juˋ daˋ

Huge, Giant, Vast, Big, Large

巨大抽象圖案 juˋ daˋ chou¯ xiangˋ tuˊ anˋ

Huge abstract patterns

巨大無比 juˋ daˋ wuˊ biˇ


巨大矩陣 juˋ daˋ juˇ zhenˋ

Vast grid, Giant matrix

聚亞胺酯 juˋ yaˋ anˋ zhiˇ


愈大 yuˋ daˋ



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𠄌-糸 : > : > [綠]-綠咖 : > [綠]-綠咖哩牛肉 >

口-口 : > : > [咖]-咖哩 : > [咖]-綠咖哩牛肉 >

口-口 : > : > [哩]-咖哩 : > [哩]-綠咖哩牛肉 >

丿-牛 : > : > [牛]-牛肉 : > [牛]-綠咖哩牛肉 >

冂-冂 : > : > [肉]-牛肉 : > [肉]-綠咖哩牛肉 >

綠咖哩牛肉 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 綠

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