
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 著


Close to my face, Tight to my face, Pressed against my face

jinˇ tie¯ zhe˙ woˇ de˙ lianˇ

著 zhe˙, zhao¯, zhaoˊ, zhuˋ, zhuoˊ
Become, Get To, Verb Ending, (Zhao1), Bear, Anxious, For Continuing Action, For Command, For Success Or Attainment, (Zhao2), Catch Fire, (Zhu4), Author, Writer, Poet, Composer, Set Forth, (Zhuo2), Wear, Start, Move, Apply, Focus, Touch Pen To Paper, Land, Touch Down

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


緊貼 jinˇ tie¯

貼著 tie¯ zhe˙

我的 woˇ de˙

我的臉 woˇ de˙ lianˇ

Words that rhyme with 緊貼著我的臉 (yin-ye)

Grouped by first phone

jin, lin, min, pin, qin, yin

筋節 jin¯ jieˊ

Forceful Transitions In Writing, Tendons And Joints

緊接著 jinˇ jie¯ zhe˙

Follow closely behind, Following immediately behind

進階 jinˋ jie¯


進階拍攝 jinˋ jie¯ pai¯ sheˋ

Advanced picture taking (shooting)

津貼 jin¯ tie¯

Allowance, Subsidy

緊貼 jinˇ tie¯

Close, Tight, Cling to, Pressing against

緊貼著我的臉 jinˇ tie¯ zhe˙ woˇ de˙ lianˇ

Close to my face, Tight to my face, Pressed against my face

jin, lin, min, pin, qin, yin

臨街 linˊ jie¯

Facing the street

jin, lin, min, pin, qin, yin

敏捷 minˇ jieˊ

Agile, Nimble

jin, lin, min, pin, qin, yin

拼貼 pin¯ tie¯


拼貼起來 pin¯ tie¯ qiˇ laiˊ

Gluing pieces together to form a collage

jin, lin, min, pin, qin, yin

親切的 qin¯ qie¯ de˙

Kind, Friendly

親切 qin¯ qieˋ

Nice, Sweet, Kind, Cordial

jin, lin, min, pin, qin, yin

音節 yin¯ jieˊ


印寫 yinˋ xieˇ

Written, Printed

Grouped in tone pairs

31, 11, 12, 14, 21, 32, 41, 43

緊接著 jinˇ jie¯ zhe˙

Follow closely behind, Following immediately behind

緊貼 jinˇ tie¯

Close, Tight, Cling to, Pressing against

緊貼著我的臉 jinˇ tie¯ zhe˙ woˇ de˙ lianˇ

Close to my face, Tight to my face, Pressed against my face

31, 11, 12, 14, 21, 32, 41, 43

津貼 jin¯ tie¯

Allowance, Subsidy

拼貼 pin¯ tie¯


拼貼起來 pin¯ tie¯ qiˇ laiˊ

Gluing pieces together to form a collage

親切的 qin¯ qie¯ de˙

Kind, Friendly

31, 11, 12, 14, 21, 32, 41, 43

筋節 jin¯ jieˊ

Forceful Transitions In Writing, Tendons And Joints

音節 yin¯ jieˊ


31, 11, 12, 14, 21, 32, 41, 43

親切 qin¯ qieˋ

Nice, Sweet, Kind, Cordial

31, 11, 12, 14, 21, 32, 41, 43

臨街 linˊ jie¯

Facing the street

31, 11, 12, 14, 21, 32, 41, 43

敏捷 minˇ jieˊ

Agile, Nimble

31, 11, 12, 14, 21, 32, 41, 43

進階 jinˋ jie¯


進階拍攝 jinˋ jie¯ pai¯ sheˋ

Advanced picture taking (shooting)

31, 11, 12, 14, 21, 32, 41, 43

印寫 yinˋ xieˇ

Written, Printed


厂-臣 : > : > [緊]-緊貼 : > [緊]-緊貼著我的臉 >

口-貝 : > : > [貼]-緊貼 : > [貼]-緊貼著我的臉 >

人-艹 : > : > [著]-貼著 : > [著]-緊貼著我的臉 >

丿-千 : > : > [我]-我的 : > [我]-緊貼著我的臉 >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-我的 : > [的]-緊貼著我的臉 >

冂-月 : > : > [臉]-的臉 : > [臉]-緊貼著我的臉 >

緊貼著我的臉 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 著

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