
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 圈


Walk around, Complete a circle

raoˋ yiˋ quan¯

圈 quan¯, juan¯, juanˋ
Ring, Circle, Snare, Trap, (Juan1), Confine, Enclose, Encircle, (Juan4), Enclosure, Corral

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Phone , Tone


一圈 yiˋ quan¯

Words that rhyme with 繞一圈 (ao-yi)

Grouped by first phone

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

繞一圈 raoˋ yiˋ quan¯

Walk around, Complete a circle

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

奧迪 aoˋ diˊ


奧迪車 aoˋ diˊ che¯


奧地利 aoˋ diˋ liˋ


奧利奧 aoˋ liˋ aoˋ


奧利奧夾心餅乾 aoˋ liˋ aoˋ jia¯ xin¯ bingˇ gan¯

Oreo cookies, Oreos

奧祕 aoˋ miˋ


奧秘所在 aoˋ miˋ suoˇ zaiˋ

Where the secret lies, Where the mystery lies, The secret, The mystery

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

鮑比 baoˋ biˇ


包機 bao¯ ji¯

Charter flight

暴利 baoˋ liˋ


暴力 baoˋ liˋ


暴力犯罪 baoˋ liˋ fanˋ zuiˋ

Violent crime, Violent crimes

保密 baoˇ miˋ

Keep a secret

爆米花 baoˋ miˇ hua¯


包起 bao¯ qiˇ


rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

草地 caoˇ diˋ

Grass, Lawn, Meadow

操肌 cao¯ ji¯

Exercise muscles, Exercises for muscle building, Muscle building exercises

糙米 cao¯ miˇ

Brown rice

糙米漿 cao¯ miˇ jiang¯

Brown Rice Milk

糙米豆漿 cao¯ miˇ douˋ jiang¯

Brown Rice Soy Milk

草蓆 caoˇ xiˊ

Mat, Beach mat

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

超級 chao¯ jiˊ

Super, Titanic

超級害怕 chao¯ jiˊ haiˋ paˋ

Extremely worried

超級市場 chao¯ jiˊ shiˋ changˇ

Supermarket, Grocery store

抄襲 chao¯ xiˊ

Plagiarize, Copy, Flank attack

朝一面牆 chaoˊ yiˊ mianˋ qiangˊ

Facing a wall

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

倒閉 daoˋ biˋ


倒地 daoˇ diˋ

Collapsed, Fallen

倒地的 daoˇ diˋ de˙

Collapsed, Fallen

到底 daoˋ diˇ

Destination, In the end, In the long run, Reach the end, At the end of it all

到底什麼時候才天亮 daoˋ diˇ shenˊ me˙ shiˊ houˋ caiˊ tian¯ liangˋ

When will daybreak arrive, How long till daybreak finally arrives

到底怎麼了 daoˋ diˇ zenˇ me˙ le˙

What happened?

到底怎麼回事 daoˋ diˇ zenˇ me˙ huiˊ shiˋ

What's going on?

到底是什麼 daoˋ diˇ shiˋ sheˊ me˙

What exactly is it?, So what is it?, What is it?

道地 daoˋ diˋ


倒計時 daoˋ jiˋ shiˊ


倒立 daoˇ liˋ


道理 daoˋ liˇ

Reason, Make sense, Makes sense, Right way

稻米 daoˋ miˇ


到期 daoˋ qiˊ


到期不付款 daoˋ qiˊ buˊ fuˋ kuanˇ

Didn't pay by the due date, Got into arrears

到齊 daoˋ qiˊ

Brought together, Collected

導體 daoˇ tiˇ


到一年的這個時期 daoˋ yiˋ nianˊ de˙ zheˋ ge˙ shiˊ qiˊ

At this time of year

到一邊 daoˋ yiˋ bian¯

To one side

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

高低 gao¯ di¯

Height, Propriety, Discretion, On any account, At last, After all

高低依序排列 gao¯ di¯ yi¯ xuˋ paiˊ lieˋ

Arranged sequentially from high to low, Sorted sequentially from high to low

高級 gao¯ jiˊ

Excellent, High quality

高級精緻 gao¯ jiˊ jing¯ zhiˋ

Fancy, High quality sophisticated

高禮帽 gao¯ liˇ maoˋ

Top hat

高麗 gao¯ liˋ

Korea, Korean

高麗馬鈴薯豬骨湯 gao¯ liˋ maˇ lingˊ shuˇ zhu¯ guˇ tang¯

Korean Potato And Pork Bone Soup

高宜 gao¯ yiˊ

Great kindness

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

好比 haoˇ biˇ

To be like, Likened to, Tantamount to

好極 haoˇ jiˊ

Excellent, Perfect

好極了 haoˇ jiˊ le˙

Excellent, Perfect

好幾 haoˇ jiˇ

Many, Lots

好幾個 haoˇ jiˇ ge˙

More than a few, Many, A lot of

好幾個星期練習 haoˇ jiˇ ge˙ xing¯ qiˊ lianˋ xiˊ

Spent many weeks training or practicing

好幾十年前 haoˇ jiˇ shiˊ nianˊ qianˊ

Several decades before, Several decades earlier

好幾天 haoˇ jiˇ tian¯

Many days

好幾宗 haoˇ jiˇ zong¯

Several cases

好幾宗殺人 haoˇ jiˇ zong¯ sha¯ renˊ

Several murders

好幾宗殺人未遂 haoˇ jiˇ zong¯ sha¯ renˊ weiˋ suiˋ

Several attempted murders

好幾宗殺人未遂案 haoˇ jiˇ zong¯ sha¯ renˊ weiˋ suiˋ anˋ

Various counts of attempted murder

好幾家巨型公司 haoˇ jiˇ jia¯ juˋ xingˊ gong¯ si¯

Several large companies

好幾家巨型公司的策略聯盟 haoˇ jiˇ jia¯ juˋ xingˊ gong¯ si¯ de˙ ceˋ lueˋ lianˊ mengˊ

A strategic alliance of several giant corporations

好幾家餐廳 haoˇ jiˇ jia¯ can¯ ting¯

A few restaurants

好幾小時 haoˇ jiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ

Many hours

好幾小時前 haoˇ jiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ qianˊ

Many hours previously, Many hours ago

好幾年 haoˇ jiˇ nianˊ

Many years

好幾條車道 haoˇ jiˇ tiaoˊ che¯ daoˋ

Several lanes

好幾次 haoˇ jiˇ ciˋ

Many times, So many times

好幾百次 haoˇ jiˇ baiˇ ciˋ

Several hundred times

好幾部攝影機 haoˇ jiˇ buˋ sheˋ yingˇ ji¯

Several cameras, Many cameras, Cameras

好幾頁 haoˇ jiˇ yeˋ

Several pages

好幾頁乳白紙張 haoˇ jiˇ yeˋ ruˇ baiˊ zhiˇ zhang¯

Several cream-colored pages

好厲害 haoˇ liˋ haiˋ

Amazing, Awesome

好厲害喔 haoˇ liˋ haiˋ wo¯

So awesome, So amazing

毫米 haoˊ miˇ

Millimeter, Mm

好奇戳戳地面 haoˇ qiˊ chuo¯ chuo¯ diˋ mianˋ

Poking curiously at the ground

好奇 haoˋ qiˊ

Curious, Interested, Wonder, Wondered

好奇地 haoˋ qiˊ de˙


好奇心 haoˋ qiˊ xin¯


好奇怪的 haoˋ qiˊ guaiˋ de˙

Very weird

好奇的 haoˋ qiˊ de˙


好奇的問 haoˋ qiˊ de˙ wenˋ

Asked curiously, Curiously asked

耗體力 haoˋ tiˇ liˋ

Expend body strength, Use strength

好一段時間 haoˇ yiˊ duanˋ shiˊ jian¯

A while, A good while, A long time

好一段路 haoˇ yiˊ duanˋ luˋ

A long way, A good section of road

好一陣 haoˇ yiˊ zhenˋ

For a while, For some time

好一陣子 haoˇ yiˊ zhenˋ ziˇ

For a long while

好一陣子後 haoˇ yiˊ zhenˋ ziˇ houˋ

After awhile

好意 haoˇ yiˋ


好意思 haoˇ yiˋ si¯

Have the nerve (to)

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

烤漆 kaoˇ qi¯


考題 kaoˇ tiˊ

Examination paper

靠一隻腿站立 kaoˋ yiˋ zhi¯ tuiˇ zhanˋ liˋ

Stand on one leg, Stands on one leg, Standing on one leg, Stood on one leg

靠意志力 kaoˋ yiˋ zhiˋ liˋ

Through willpower, Rely on willpower, Relying on willpower, Through sheer force of will

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

老地方 laoˇ diˋ fang¯

At the usual place

牢記 laoˊ jiˋ

Keep in mind

牢裡 laoˊ liˇ

In jail, In prison, In the cage

勞力 laoˊ liˋ


rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

毛筆 maoˊ biˇ

Writing brush, Calligraphy brush

毛里塔尼亞 maoˊ liˇ taˇ niˊ yaˋ


毛里求斯 maoˊ liˇ qiuˊ si¯


貓咪 mao¯ mi¯


茂密 maoˋ miˋ

Dense growth

毛細管 maoˊ xiˋ guanˇ


毛衣 maoˊ yi¯


貿易 maoˋ yiˋ


rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

腦脊液 naoˇ jiˊ yeˋ

Cerebrospinal fluid

腦力激盪 naoˇ liˋ ji¯ dangˋ

Brainstorm, Brainstorming, Brainstormed

腦細胞 naoˇ xiˋ bao¯

Brain cells

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

拋棄 pao¯ qiˋ

Give up, Abandon, Throw away

拋棄式 pao¯ qiˋ shiˋ

Expendable, Disposable

跑一跑 paoˇ yiˋ paoˇ

Run around, Run

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

掃地 saoˇ diˋ

Sweep the floor

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

少一點 shaoˇ yiˋ dianˇ

A bit less than, A little less than

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

逃避 taoˊ biˋ

Elude, Evade, Hide from

逃離 taoˊ liˊ

Flee, Flees, Fleeing, Fled, Escape, Escapes, Escaping, Escaped

逃離了 taoˊ liˊ le˙


逃離至 taoˊ liˊ zhiˋ

Fled to, Runaway to

逃離險境 taoˊ liˊ xianˇ jingˋ

Out of danger, Escape a dangerous situation

套禮 taoˋ liˇ

Conventional or usual courtesies

淘氣 taoˊ qiˋ

Naughty, Mischievous, Annoying

陶器 taoˊ qiˋ


逃逸 taoˊ yiˋ


rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

早期 zaoˇ qiˊ

Early part of an era

早期中國 zaoˇ qiˊ zhong¯ guoˊ

The early era Chinese

早期協定標準 zaoˇ qiˊ xieˊ dingˋ biao¯ zhunˇ

Early protocol

早期國家 zaoˇ qiˊ guoˊ jia¯


早期國家的封建 zaoˇ qiˊ guoˊ jia¯ de˙ feng¯ jianˋ

Feudalism in the Early States

早期的國家 zaoˇ qiˊ de˙ guoˊ jia¯

The early era state, Early era states

早期的國家統治 zaoˇ qiˊ de˙ guoˊ jia¯ tongˇ zhiˋ

Early era state rule, Early era state governing

早起 zaoˇ qiˇ

Get up early

造起來 zaoˋ qiˇ laiˊ

Built, Built up

早已 zaoˇ yiˇ

Already, Long ago

早已過時 zaoˇ yiˇ guoˋ shiˊ

Obsolete, No longer relevant

早已過時的系統 zaoˇ yiˇ guoˋ shiˊ de˙ xiˋ tongˇ

Obsolete system, Obsolete systems

早一點 zaoˇ yiˋ dianˇ

Earlier, Early

造一個亭子 zaoˋ yiˋ ge˙ tingˊ zi˙

Built a pavilion

造一個四面有柱子撐住上面有蓋的亭子 zaoˋ yiˋ ge˙ siˋ mianˋ youˇ zhuˋ ziˇ cheng¯ zhuˋ shangˋ mianˋ youˇ gaiˋ de˙ tingˊ zi˙

Built a pavilion with supporting pillars on four sides and a roof above

rao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

著急 zhao¯ jiˊ

Uptight, Tense, Nervous

著急的問 zhao¯ jiˊ de˙ wenˋ

Asked nervously

肇基 zhaoˋ ji¯

Lay the foundation

召集 zhaoˋ jiˊ

Summon, Convene, Call to arms

召集起來 zhaoˋ jiˊ qiˇ laiˊ

Gather, Get, Get together, Call together, Convene

著力 zhaoˊ liˋ

Focus on

照理說 zhaoˋ liˇ shuo¯

It stands to reason

照例 zhaoˋ liˋ

As usual

著迷 zhaoˊ miˊ


找你 zhaoˇ niˇ

Look for you, Looking for you

找你的 zhaoˇ niˇ de˙

It's for you

找妳 zhaoˇ niˇ

Find you

找妳來 zhaoˇ niˇ laiˊ

Called you here

朝氣 zhao¯ qiˋ

Exuberant, Spirited

朝氣蓬勃 zhao¯ qiˋ pengˊ boˊ

Full of vigor

朝夕相處 zhao¯ xi¯ xiang¯ chuˇ

Get along day and night

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

奧地利 aoˋ diˋ liˋ


奧利奧 aoˋ liˋ aoˋ


奧利奧夾心餅乾 aoˋ liˋ aoˋ jia¯ xin¯ bingˇ gan¯

Oreo cookies, Oreos

奧祕 aoˋ miˋ


奧秘所在 aoˋ miˋ suoˇ zaiˋ

Where the secret lies, Where the mystery lies, The secret, The mystery

暴利 baoˋ liˋ


暴力 baoˋ liˋ


暴力犯罪 baoˋ liˋ fanˋ zuiˋ

Violent crime, Violent crimes

倒閉 daoˋ biˋ


道地 daoˋ diˋ


倒計時 daoˋ jiˋ shiˊ


到一年的這個時期 daoˋ yiˋ nianˊ de˙ zheˋ ge˙ shiˊ qiˊ

At this time of year

到一邊 daoˋ yiˋ bian¯

To one side

靠一隻腿站立 kaoˋ yiˋ zhi¯ tuiˇ zhanˋ liˋ

Stand on one leg, Stands on one leg, Standing on one leg, Stood on one leg

靠意志力 kaoˋ yiˋ zhiˋ liˋ

Through willpower, Rely on willpower, Relying on willpower, Through sheer force of will

茂密 maoˋ miˋ

Dense growth

貿易 maoˋ yiˋ


繞一圈 raoˋ yiˋ quan¯

Walk around, Complete a circle

造一個亭子 zaoˋ yiˋ ge˙ tingˊ zi˙

Built a pavilion

造一個四面有柱子撐住上面有蓋的亭子 zaoˋ yiˋ ge˙ siˋ mianˋ youˇ zhuˋ ziˇ cheng¯ zhuˋ shangˋ mianˋ youˇ gaiˋ de˙ tingˊ zi˙

Built a pavilion with supporting pillars on four sides and a roof above

照例 zhaoˋ liˋ

As usual

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

包機 bao¯ ji¯

Charter flight

操肌 cao¯ ji¯

Exercise muscles, Exercises for muscle building, Muscle building exercises

高低 gao¯ di¯

Height, Propriety, Discretion, On any account, At last, After all

高低依序排列 gao¯ di¯ yi¯ xuˋ paiˊ lieˋ

Arranged sequentially from high to low, Sorted sequentially from high to low

貓咪 mao¯ mi¯


朝夕相處 zhao¯ xi¯ xiang¯ chuˇ

Get along day and night

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

超級 chao¯ jiˊ

Super, Titanic

超級害怕 chao¯ jiˊ haiˋ paˋ

Extremely worried

超級市場 chao¯ jiˊ shiˋ changˇ

Supermarket, Grocery store

抄襲 chao¯ xiˊ

Plagiarize, Copy, Flank attack

高級 gao¯ jiˊ

Excellent, High quality

高級精緻 gao¯ jiˊ jing¯ zhiˋ

Fancy, High quality sophisticated

高宜 gao¯ yiˊ

Great kindness

著急 zhao¯ jiˊ

Uptight, Tense, Nervous

著急的問 zhao¯ jiˊ de˙ wenˋ

Asked nervously

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

包起 bao¯ qiˇ


糙米 cao¯ miˇ

Brown rice

糙米漿 cao¯ miˇ jiang¯

Brown Rice Milk

糙米豆漿 cao¯ miˇ douˋ jiang¯

Brown Rice Soy Milk

高禮帽 gao¯ liˇ maoˋ

Top hat

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

高麗 gao¯ liˋ

Korea, Korean

高麗馬鈴薯豬骨湯 gao¯ liˋ maˇ lingˊ shuˇ zhu¯ guˇ tang¯

Korean Potato And Pork Bone Soup

拋棄 pao¯ qiˋ

Give up, Abandon, Throw away

拋棄式 pao¯ qiˋ shiˋ

Expendable, Disposable

朝氣 zhao¯ qiˋ

Exuberant, Spirited

朝氣蓬勃 zhao¯ qiˋ pengˊ boˊ

Full of vigor

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

毛衣 maoˊ yi¯


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

朝一面牆 chaoˊ yiˊ mianˋ qiangˊ

Facing a wall

逃離 taoˊ liˊ

Flee, Flees, Fleeing, Fled, Escape, Escapes, Escaping, Escaped

逃離了 taoˊ liˊ le˙


逃離至 taoˊ liˊ zhiˋ

Fled to, Runaway to

逃離險境 taoˊ liˊ xianˇ jingˋ

Out of danger, Escape a dangerous situation

著迷 zhaoˊ miˊ


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

毫米 haoˊ miˇ

Millimeter, Mm

牢裡 laoˊ liˇ

In jail, In prison, In the cage

毛筆 maoˊ biˇ

Writing brush, Calligraphy brush

毛里塔尼亞 maoˊ liˇ taˇ niˊ yaˋ


毛里求斯 maoˊ liˇ qiuˊ si¯


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

牢記 laoˊ jiˋ

Keep in mind

勞力 laoˊ liˋ


毛細管 maoˊ xiˋ guanˇ


逃避 taoˊ biˋ

Elude, Evade, Hide from

淘氣 taoˊ qiˋ

Naughty, Mischievous, Annoying

陶器 taoˊ qiˋ


逃逸 taoˊ yiˋ


著力 zhaoˊ liˋ

Focus on

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

烤漆 kaoˇ qi¯


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

草蓆 caoˇ xiˊ

Mat, Beach mat

好極 haoˇ jiˊ

Excellent, Perfect

好極了 haoˇ jiˊ le˙

Excellent, Perfect

好奇戳戳地面 haoˇ qiˊ chuo¯ chuo¯ diˋ mianˋ

Poking curiously at the ground

好一段時間 haoˇ yiˊ duanˋ shiˊ jian¯

A while, A good while, A long time

好一段路 haoˇ yiˊ duanˋ luˋ

A long way, A good section of road

好一陣 haoˇ yiˊ zhenˋ

For a while, For some time

好一陣子 haoˇ yiˊ zhenˋ ziˇ

For a long while

好一陣子後 haoˇ yiˊ zhenˋ ziˇ houˋ

After awhile

考題 kaoˇ tiˊ

Examination paper

腦脊液 naoˇ jiˊ yeˋ

Cerebrospinal fluid

早期 zaoˇ qiˊ

Early part of an era

早期中國 zaoˇ qiˊ zhong¯ guoˊ

The early era Chinese

早期協定標準 zaoˇ qiˊ xieˊ dingˋ biao¯ zhunˇ

Early protocol

早期國家 zaoˇ qiˊ guoˊ jia¯


早期國家的封建 zaoˇ qiˊ guoˊ jia¯ de˙ feng¯ jianˋ

Feudalism in the Early States

早期的國家 zaoˇ qiˊ de˙ guoˊ jia¯

The early era state, Early era states

早期的國家統治 zaoˇ qiˊ de˙ guoˊ jia¯ tongˇ zhiˋ

Early era state rule, Early era state governing

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

導體 daoˇ tiˇ


好比 haoˇ biˇ

To be like, Likened to, Tantamount to

好幾 haoˇ jiˇ

Many, Lots

好幾個 haoˇ jiˇ ge˙

More than a few, Many, A lot of

好幾個星期練習 haoˇ jiˇ ge˙ xing¯ qiˊ lianˋ xiˊ

Spent many weeks training or practicing

好幾十年前 haoˇ jiˇ shiˊ nianˊ qianˊ

Several decades before, Several decades earlier

好幾天 haoˇ jiˇ tian¯

Many days

好幾宗 haoˇ jiˇ zong¯

Several cases

好幾宗殺人 haoˇ jiˇ zong¯ sha¯ renˊ

Several murders

好幾宗殺人未遂 haoˇ jiˇ zong¯ sha¯ renˊ weiˋ suiˋ

Several attempted murders

好幾宗殺人未遂案 haoˇ jiˇ zong¯ sha¯ renˊ weiˋ suiˋ anˋ

Various counts of attempted murder

好幾家巨型公司 haoˇ jiˇ jia¯ juˋ xingˊ gong¯ si¯

Several large companies

好幾家巨型公司的策略聯盟 haoˇ jiˇ jia¯ juˋ xingˊ gong¯ si¯ de˙ ceˋ lueˋ lianˊ mengˊ

A strategic alliance of several giant corporations

好幾家餐廳 haoˇ jiˇ jia¯ can¯ ting¯

A few restaurants

好幾小時 haoˇ jiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ

Many hours

好幾小時前 haoˇ jiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ qianˊ

Many hours previously, Many hours ago

好幾年 haoˇ jiˇ nianˊ

Many years

好幾條車道 haoˇ jiˇ tiaoˊ che¯ daoˋ

Several lanes

好幾次 haoˇ jiˇ ciˋ

Many times, So many times

好幾百次 haoˇ jiˇ baiˇ ciˋ

Several hundred times

好幾部攝影機 haoˇ jiˇ buˋ sheˋ yingˇ ji¯

Several cameras, Many cameras, Cameras

好幾頁 haoˇ jiˇ yeˋ

Several pages

好幾頁乳白紙張 haoˇ jiˇ yeˋ ruˇ baiˊ zhiˇ zhang¯

Several cream-colored pages

早起 zaoˇ qiˇ

Get up early

早已 zaoˇ yiˇ

Already, Long ago

早已過時 zaoˇ yiˇ guoˋ shiˊ

Obsolete, No longer relevant

早已過時的系統 zaoˇ yiˇ guoˋ shiˊ de˙ xiˋ tongˇ

Obsolete system, Obsolete systems

找你 zhaoˇ niˇ

Look for you, Looking for you

找你的 zhaoˇ niˇ de˙

It's for you

找妳 zhaoˇ niˇ

Find you

找妳來 zhaoˇ niˇ laiˊ

Called you here

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

保密 baoˇ miˋ

Keep a secret

草地 caoˇ diˋ

Grass, Lawn, Meadow

倒地 daoˇ diˋ

Collapsed, Fallen

倒地的 daoˇ diˋ de˙

Collapsed, Fallen

倒立 daoˇ liˋ


好厲害 haoˇ liˋ haiˋ

Amazing, Awesome

好厲害喔 haoˇ liˋ haiˋ wo¯

So awesome, So amazing

好意 haoˇ yiˋ


好意思 haoˇ yiˋ si¯

Have the nerve (to)

老地方 laoˇ diˋ fang¯

At the usual place

腦力激盪 naoˇ liˋ ji¯ dangˋ

Brainstorm, Brainstorming, Brainstormed

腦細胞 naoˇ xiˋ bao¯

Brain cells

跑一跑 paoˇ yiˋ paoˇ

Run around, Run

掃地 saoˇ diˋ

Sweep the floor

少一點 shaoˇ yiˋ dianˇ

A bit less than, A little less than

早一點 zaoˇ yiˋ dianˇ

Earlier, Early

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

肇基 zhaoˋ ji¯

Lay the foundation

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

奧迪 aoˋ diˊ


奧迪車 aoˋ diˊ che¯


到期 daoˋ qiˊ


到期不付款 daoˋ qiˊ buˊ fuˋ kuanˇ

Didn't pay by the due date, Got into arrears

到齊 daoˋ qiˊ

Brought together, Collected

好奇 haoˋ qiˊ

Curious, Interested, Wonder, Wondered

好奇地 haoˋ qiˊ de˙


好奇心 haoˋ qiˊ xin¯


好奇怪的 haoˋ qiˊ guaiˋ de˙

Very weird

好奇的 haoˋ qiˊ de˙


好奇的問 haoˋ qiˊ de˙ wenˋ

Asked curiously, Curiously asked

召集 zhaoˋ jiˊ

Summon, Convene, Call to arms

召集起來 zhaoˋ jiˊ qiˇ laiˊ

Gather, Get, Get together, Call together, Convene

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

鮑比 baoˋ biˇ


爆米花 baoˋ miˇ hua¯


到底 daoˋ diˇ

Destination, In the end, In the long run, Reach the end, At the end of it all

到底什麼時候才天亮 daoˋ diˇ shenˊ me˙ shiˊ houˋ caiˊ tian¯ liangˋ

When will daybreak arrive, How long till daybreak finally arrives

到底怎麼了 daoˋ diˇ zenˇ me˙ le˙

What happened?

到底怎麼回事 daoˋ diˇ zenˇ me˙ huiˊ shiˋ

What's going on?

到底是什麼 daoˋ diˇ shiˋ sheˊ me˙

What exactly is it?, So what is it?, What is it?

道理 daoˋ liˇ

Reason, Make sense, Makes sense, Right way

稻米 daoˋ miˇ


耗體力 haoˋ tiˇ liˋ

Expend body strength, Use strength

套禮 taoˋ liˇ

Conventional or usual courtesies

造起來 zaoˋ qiˇ laiˊ

Built, Built up

照理說 zhaoˋ liˇ shuo¯

It stands to reason


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