
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 群


Large group of Brilliant minds

qunˊ ying¯

群 qunˊ
Team, Group, Multitude, Crowd, Flock, Grouping, (羣), MW For Crowds Or Groups

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 群英 (yun-ying)

Grouped by first phone

qun, jun, xun, yun

群英 qunˊ ying¯

Large group of Brilliant minds

qun, jun, xun, yun

郡警 junˋ jingˇ

County police, Deputy, County police officers, Deputies

軍情六處 jun¯ qingˊ liuˋ chuˇ

MI 6 (British Secret Service)

軍情六處的 jun¯ qingˊ liuˋ chuˇ de˙

MI 6's

軍營 jun¯ yingˊ


qun, jun, xun, yun

巡警 xunˊ jingˇ

Policeman, Patrolling police officer, Patrol, Inspect

qun, jun, xun, yun

云亭 yunˊ tingˊ

Mount Yun and Mount Ting, at the foot of Mount Shan in Shan Dong

運行 yunˋ xingˊ

Move around, Go around

運營 yunˋ yingˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

21, 12, 22, 23, 42, 43

群英 qunˊ ying¯

Large group of Brilliant minds

21, 12, 22, 23, 42, 43

軍情六處 jun¯ qingˊ liuˋ chuˇ

MI 6 (British Secret Service)

軍情六處的 jun¯ qingˊ liuˋ chuˇ de˙

MI 6's

軍營 jun¯ yingˊ


21, 12, 22, 23, 42, 43

云亭 yunˊ tingˊ

Mount Yun and Mount Ting, at the foot of Mount Shan in Shan Dong

21, 12, 22, 23, 42, 43

巡警 xunˊ jingˇ

Policeman, Patrolling police officer, Patrol, Inspect

21, 12, 22, 23, 42, 43

運行 yunˋ xingˊ

Move around, Go around

運營 yunˋ yingˊ


21, 12, 22, 23, 42, 43

郡警 junˋ jingˇ

County police, Deputy, County police officers, Deputies


𠃌-尹 : > : > [群]-群英 : > [群]-群英 >

人-艹 : > : > [英]-群英 : > [英]-群英 >

群英 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 群

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