
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


xiˊ guanˋ wangˇ xiaˋ miaoˊ zhunˇ yiˋ dianˇ

Get used to aiming a little lower

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Words and Phrases included in:

習慣 Habit, Customs, Usual practice, Get used to, Accustomed to

xiˊ guanˋ

往下 Down, Downwards

wangˇ xiaˋ

瞄準 Aim accurately, Aim, Aims, Aiming, Aimed, Zero in on, Zeroes in on, Zeroing in on, Zeroed in on

miaoˊ zhunˇ

一點 A little, A little bit of, One o'clock

yiˋ dianˇ


𠃌-羽 : > : > [習]-習慣 : >

丶-忄 : > : > [慣]-習慣 : >

丿-彳 : > : > [往]-往下 : >

一-一 : > : > [下]-往下 : >

口-目 : > : > [瞄]-瞄準 : >

丶-氵 : > : > [準]-瞄準 : >

一-一 : > : > [一]-一點 : >

口-黑 : > : > [點]-一點 : >


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