
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 贏


And so wins, And so is victorious

erˊ daˇ yingˊ

贏 yingˊ
Win, Beat, Gain, Profit, Fertile Land

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 而打贏 (er-a)

Grouped by first phone


而打贏 erˊ daˇ yingˊ

And so wins, And so is victorious

二沙灣 erˋ sha¯ wan¯


二沙灣炮臺 erˋ sha¯ wan¯ paoˋ taiˊ

Ershawan Fort

而炸死了 erˊ zhaˊ siˇ le˙

And the explosion kills

Grouped in tone pairs

23, 22, 41

而打贏 erˊ daˇ yingˊ

And so wins, And so is victorious

23, 22, 41

而炸死了 erˊ zhaˊ siˇ le˙

And the explosion kills

23, 22, 41

二沙灣 erˋ sha¯ wan¯


二沙灣炮臺 erˋ sha¯ wan¯ paoˋ taiˊ

Ershawan Fort


一-丆 : > : > [而]-而打 : > [而]-而打贏 >

十-扌 : > : > [打]-打贏 : > [打]-而打贏 >

丶-亠 : > : > [贏]-打贏 : > [贏]-而打贏 >

而打贏 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 贏

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