
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 耳


Ear, Ears

erˇ duoˇ

耳 erˇ
Ear, Ears, Only, Merely

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 耳朵 (er-wo)

Grouped by first phone


耳朵 erˇ duoˇ

Ear, Ears

耳朵尖 erˇ duoˇ jian¯

With pointy ears

耳朵發炎 erˇ duoˇ fa¯ yanˊ

Ear infection

耳朵脹 erˇ duoˇ zhangˋ

Ears popped

耳朵軟 erˇ duoˇ ruanˇ

Credulous, Gullible

Grouped in tone pairs


耳朵 erˇ duoˇ

Ear, Ears

耳朵尖 erˇ duoˇ jian¯

With pointy ears

耳朵發炎 erˇ duoˇ fa¯ yanˊ

Ear infection

耳朵脹 erˇ duoˇ zhangˋ

Ears popped

耳朵軟 erˇ duoˇ ruanˇ

Credulous, Gullible


一-耳 : > : > [耳]-耳朵 : > [耳]-耳朵 >

冂-几 : > : > [朵]-耳朵 : > [朵]-耳朵 >

耳朵 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 耳

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