
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 耳


Ear rings, (Cats: Clothing next)

erˇ huanˊ

耳 erˇ
Ear, Ears, Only, Merely

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 耳環 (er-wan)

Grouped by first phone


耳環 erˇ huanˊ

Ear rings

而轉型為 erˊ zhuanˇ xingˊ weiˋ

And so change into, And so transform into

而轉型為農業社會 erˊ zhuanˇ xingˊ weiˋ nongˊ yeˋ sheˋ huiˋ

And so transforms into a society that is based on agriculture

Grouped in tone pairs

32, 23

耳環 erˇ huanˊ

Ear rings

32, 23

而轉型為 erˊ zhuanˇ xingˊ weiˋ

And so change into, And so transform into

而轉型為農業社會 erˊ zhuanˇ xingˊ weiˋ nongˊ yeˋ sheˋ huiˋ

And so transforms into a society that is based on agriculture


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一-耳 : > : > [耳]-耳環 : > [耳]-耳環 >

一-王 : > : > [環]-耳環 : > [環]-耳環 >

耳環 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 耳

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