
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 光


Mediatronic paper

sheng¯ guang¯ liuˊ jing¯ zhiˇ

光 guang¯
Light, Shine, Bright, Ray, Honor, Used Up, Exhausted, Alone, Nude, Naked, Bare, Bald

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 聲光流晶紙 (eng-wang)

Grouped by first phone

sheng, deng, feng, peng, zheng

聲光流晶 sheng¯ guang¯ liuˊ jing¯

Mediatron, Audio-visual display device

聲光流晶紙 sheng¯ guang¯ liuˊ jing¯ zhiˇ

Mediatronic paper

聲望 sheng¯ wangˋ


盛裝 shengˋ zhuang¯

Rich attire, Costume

sheng, deng, feng, peng, zheng

燈光 deng¯ guang¯

Light(s), Lighting

sheng, deng, feng, peng, zheng

風光 feng¯ guang¯

Scenery, Elegant style, Refined taste, Glory

風光的日子 feng¯ guang¯ de˙ riˋ ziˇ

Glory days

鳳凰 fengˋ huangˊ

Phoenix, Male and female phoenix

瘋狂 feng¯ kuangˊ

Crazy, Mad, Went wild

瘋狂地 feng¯ kuangˊ de˙

Feverishly, Frantically

瘋狂理論 feng¯ kuangˊ liˇ lunˋ

Crazy theory, Deranged theory, Deranged theories

瘋狂的 feng¯ kuangˊ de˙

Crazy, Batty, Mad

瘋狂的想法 feng¯ kuangˊ de˙ xiangˇ faˇ

Crazy idea

sheng, deng, feng, peng, zheng

碰撞 pengˋ zhuangˋ


sheng, deng, feng, peng, zheng

爭光 zheng¯ guang¯


睜雙眼閉雙眼 zheng¯ shuang¯ yanˇ biˋ shuang¯ yanˇ

Turned a blind eye

整裝待發 zhengˇ zhuang¯ dai¯ fa¯

Ready to go, Gear(ed) up

症狀 zhengˋ zhuangˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

11, 12, 14, 31, 41, 42, 44

燈光 deng¯ guang¯

Light(s), Lighting

風光 feng¯ guang¯

Scenery, Elegant style, Refined taste, Glory

風光的日子 feng¯ guang¯ de˙ riˋ ziˇ

Glory days

聲光流晶 sheng¯ guang¯ liuˊ jing¯

Mediatron, Audio-visual display device

聲光流晶紙 sheng¯ guang¯ liuˊ jing¯ zhiˇ

Mediatronic paper

爭光 zheng¯ guang¯


睜雙眼閉雙眼 zheng¯ shuang¯ yanˇ biˋ shuang¯ yanˇ

Turned a blind eye

11, 12, 14, 31, 41, 42, 44

瘋狂 feng¯ kuangˊ

Crazy, Mad, Went wild

瘋狂地 feng¯ kuangˊ de˙

Feverishly, Frantically

瘋狂理論 feng¯ kuangˊ liˇ lunˋ

Crazy theory, Deranged theory, Deranged theories

瘋狂的 feng¯ kuangˊ de˙

Crazy, Batty, Mad

瘋狂的想法 feng¯ kuangˊ de˙ xiangˇ faˇ

Crazy idea

11, 12, 14, 31, 41, 42, 44

聲望 sheng¯ wangˋ


11, 12, 14, 31, 41, 42, 44

整裝待發 zhengˇ zhuang¯ dai¯ fa¯

Ready to go, Gear(ed) up

11, 12, 14, 31, 41, 42, 44

盛裝 shengˋ zhuang¯

Rich attire, Costume

11, 12, 14, 31, 41, 42, 44

鳳凰 fengˋ huangˊ

Phoenix, Male and female phoenix

11, 12, 14, 31, 41, 42, 44

碰撞 pengˋ zhuangˋ


症狀 zhengˋ zhuangˋ



十-士 : > : > [聲]-聲光 : > [聲]-聲光流晶紙 >

人-⺌ : > : > [光]-光流 : > [光]-聲光流晶紙 >

丶-氵 : > : > [流]-流晶 : > [流]-聲光流晶紙 >

口-日 : > : > [晶]-晶紙 : > [晶]-聲光流晶紙 >

𠄌-糸 : > : > [紙]-晶紙 : > [紙]-聲光流晶紙 >

聲光流晶紙 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 光

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