
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 聲



sheng¯ xuan¯

聲 sheng¯
Sound, Voice, Music, Tone, Noise

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 聲喧 (eng-yuan)

Grouped by first phone

sheng, cheng, neng, zeng, zheng

聲喧 sheng¯ xuan¯


聲援 sheng¯ yuanˊ

Moral support, Give moral support

sheng, cheng, neng, zeng, zheng

成全 chengˊ quanˊ

Help accomplish, Help others accomplish

成員 chengˊ yuanˊ


成圓弧狀 chengˊ yuanˊ huˊ zhuangˋ


sheng, cheng, neng, zeng, zheng

能源 nengˊ yuanˊ

Energy source, Energy resources

sheng, cheng, neng, zeng, zheng

憎怨 zeng¯ yuanˋ

Hold a grudge against, Feel bitter towards, Hate

sheng, cheng, neng, zeng, zheng

政權 zhengˋ quanˊ

Regime, Political regime, Political power

正全力衝刺 zhengˋ quanˊ liˋ chong¯ ciˋ

Sprinting at full speed, Sprinting

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 12, 14, 22, 42

聲喧 sheng¯ xuan¯


11, 12, 14, 22, 42

聲援 sheng¯ yuanˊ

Moral support, Give moral support

11, 12, 14, 22, 42

憎怨 zeng¯ yuanˋ

Hold a grudge against, Feel bitter towards, Hate

11, 12, 14, 22, 42

成全 chengˊ quanˊ

Help accomplish, Help others accomplish

成員 chengˊ yuanˊ


成圓弧狀 chengˊ yuanˊ huˊ zhuangˋ


能源 nengˊ yuanˊ

Energy source, Energy resources

11, 12, 14, 22, 42

政權 zhengˋ quanˊ

Regime, Political regime, Political power

正全力衝刺 zhengˋ quanˊ liˋ chong¯ ciˋ

Sprinting at full speed, Sprinting


十-士 : > : > [聲]-聲喧 : > [聲]-聲喧 >

口-口 : > : > [喧]-聲喧 : > [喧]-聲喧 >

聲喧 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 聲

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