
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 不


Turn a deaf ear to, Hear without understanding

ting¯ erˊ buˋ wenˊ

不 buˋ, buˊ, fouˇ, fou¯
No, Not, Non, None, Not Able To, Un, Without, Infix Used To Indicate Inability

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 聽而不聞 (ying-er)

Grouped by first phone

ting, jing, qing, ying

聽而不聞 ting¯ erˊ buˋ wenˊ

Turn a deaf ear to, Hear without understanding

聽耳聽聞 ting¯ erˇ ting¯ wenˊ

Heard, Had heard

ting, jing, qing, ying

敬而遠之 jingˋ erˊ yuanˇ zhi¯

Stay away

ting, jing, qing, ying

輕而易舉 qing¯ erˊ yiˋ juˇ


ting, jing, qing, ying

嬰兒 ying¯ erˊ

Baby, Infant

嬰兒床 ying¯ erˊ chuangˊ


嬰兒床裡的嬰兒 ying¯ erˊ chuangˊ liˇ de˙ ying¯ erˊ

A baby in a crib

嬰兒式 ying¯ erˊ shiˋ

Child's Pose, Balasana

嬰兒式休息 ying¯ erˊ shiˋ xiu¯ xiˊ

Resting Child's Pose, Balasana

嬰兒房 ying¯ erˊ fangˊ

Nursery, Baby's room

嬰兒時的小名 ying¯ erˊ shiˊ de˙ xiaoˇ mingˊ

Baby name, Name used when one is a baby

嬰兒的哭聲 ying¯ erˊ de˙ ku¯ sheng¯

The cry of a baby, A baby's cry, The baby's cry

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 13, 42

輕而易舉 qing¯ erˊ yiˋ juˇ


聽而不聞 ting¯ erˊ buˋ wenˊ

Turn a deaf ear to, Hear without understanding

嬰兒 ying¯ erˊ

Baby, Infant

嬰兒床 ying¯ erˊ chuangˊ


嬰兒床裡的嬰兒 ying¯ erˊ chuangˊ liˇ de˙ ying¯ erˊ

A baby in a crib

嬰兒式 ying¯ erˊ shiˋ

Child's Pose, Balasana

嬰兒式休息 ying¯ erˊ shiˋ xiu¯ xiˊ

Resting Child's Pose, Balasana

嬰兒房 ying¯ erˊ fangˊ

Nursery, Baby's room

嬰兒時的小名 ying¯ erˊ shiˊ de˙ xiaoˇ mingˊ

Baby name, Name used when one is a baby

嬰兒的哭聲 ying¯ erˊ de˙ ku¯ sheng¯

The cry of a baby, A baby's cry, The baby's cry

12, 13, 42

聽耳聽聞 ting¯ erˇ ting¯ wenˊ

Heard, Had heard

12, 13, 42

敬而遠之 jingˋ erˊ yuanˇ zhi¯

Stay away


一-耳 : > : > [聽]-聽而 : > [聽]-聽而不聞 >

一-丆 : > : > [而]-而不 : > [而]-聽而不聞 >

一-一 : > : > [不]-不聞 : > [不]-聽而不聞 >

口-門 : > : > [聞]-不聞 : > [聞]-聽而不聞 >

聽而不聞 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 不

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