
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 胸


Chest, Thorax, (Cats: Anatomy next)

xiong¯ tangˊ

胸 xiong¯
Bosom, Heart, Mind, Chest, Thorax

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 胸膛 (yong-ang)

Grouped by first phone

xiong, yong

胸膛 xiong¯ tangˊ

Chest, Thorax

胸膛很寬 xiong¯ tangˊ henˇ kuan¯

Broad chested, With a broad chest, Has a broad chest, Had a broad chest

xiong, yong

湧上 yongˇ shangˋ

Rising up, Bubbled up, Came bubbling up

湧上來 yongˇ shangˋ laiˊ

Rush in

用上了 yongˋ shangˋ le˙


Grouped in tone pairs

12, 34, 44

胸膛 xiong¯ tangˊ

Chest, Thorax

胸膛很寬 xiong¯ tangˊ henˇ kuan¯

Broad chested, With a broad chest, Has a broad chest, Had a broad chest

12, 34, 44

湧上 yongˇ shangˋ

Rising up, Bubbled up, Came bubbling up

湧上來 yongˇ shangˋ laiˊ

Rush in

12, 34, 44

用上了 yongˋ shangˋ le˙



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冂-月 : > : > [膛]-胸膛 : > [膛]-胸膛 >

胸膛 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 胸

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