
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 蜷


Curl up, Curls up, Curling up, Curled up

quanˊ suo¯

蜷 quanˊ
Wriggle, Curl Up

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 蜷縮 (yuan-wo)

Grouped by first phone

quan, xuan

全國 quanˊ guoˊ


全國各地 quanˊ guoˊ geˋ diˋ

All over the country, All around the country

全國各地的機場和碼頭 quanˊ guoˊ geˋ diˋ de˙ ji¯ changˇ hanˋ maˇ touˊ

Airports and docks around the country

全國媒體 quanˊ guoˊ meiˊ tiˇ

National media

全國媒體的報導 quanˊ guoˊ meiˊ tiˇ de˙ baoˋ daoˇ

National media coverage

全國性 quanˊ guoˊ xingˋ

National, Whole country

全國藥物不良反應通報中心 quanˊ guoˊ yaoˋ wuˋ buˋ liangˊ fanˇ yingˋ tong¯ baoˋ zhong¯ xin¯

National Adverse Drug Reaction Notification Center

勸說 quanˋ shuo¯


蜷縮 quanˊ suo¯

Curl up, Curls up, Curling up, Curled up

quan, xuan

漩過 xuanˊ guoˋ

Vortex, Vortices, Whirlpool

旋渦 xuanˊ wo¯


漩渦 xuanˊ wo¯

Whirlpool, Vortice, Quarrel, Dispute

Grouped in tone pairs

21, 22, 24, 41

蜷縮 quanˊ suo¯

Curl up, Curls up, Curling up, Curled up

旋渦 xuanˊ wo¯


漩渦 xuanˊ wo¯

Whirlpool, Vortice, Quarrel, Dispute

21, 22, 24, 41

全國 quanˊ guoˊ


全國各地 quanˊ guoˊ geˋ diˋ

All over the country, All around the country

全國各地的機場和碼頭 quanˊ guoˊ geˋ diˋ de˙ ji¯ changˇ hanˋ maˇ touˊ

Airports and docks around the country

全國媒體 quanˊ guoˊ meiˊ tiˇ

National media

全國媒體的報導 quanˊ guoˊ meiˊ tiˇ de˙ baoˋ daoˇ

National media coverage

全國性 quanˊ guoˊ xingˋ

National, Whole country

全國藥物不良反應通報中心 quanˊ guoˊ yaoˋ wuˋ buˋ liangˊ fanˇ yingˋ tong¯ baoˋ zhong¯ xin¯

National Adverse Drug Reaction Notification Center

21, 22, 24, 41

漩過 xuanˊ guoˋ

Vortex, Vortices, Whirlpool

21, 22, 24, 41

勸說 quanˋ shuo¯



丨-虫 : > : > [蜷]-蜷縮 : > [蜷]-蜷縮 >

𠄌-糸 : > : > [縮]-蜷縮 : > [縮]-蜷縮 >

蜷縮 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 蜷

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