
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 好


Would be best

huaˋ zuiˋ haoˇ

好 haoˇ, haoˋ
Good, Okay, Pleasant, Well, Wonderful, Easy, Finish, So That, Very Much, Prefix Used As An Adjectifier Indicating Good Or Easy (Hao4), Love, Like, Prefer

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Phone , Tone


最好 zuiˋ haoˇ

Words that rhyme with 話最好 (wa-wei)

Grouped by first phone

hua, shua

花卉 hua¯ huiˋ

Flowering plants

話雖這麼說 huaˋ sui¯ zheˋ me˙ shuo¯

That being said

化為 huaˋ weiˋ

Transform, Turn into

化為了 huaˋ weiˋ le˙

Transformed (into), Turned to

化為了灰燼 huaˋ weiˋ le˙ hui¯ jinˋ

Turned to ashes, Destroyed

化為塵土 huaˋ weiˋ chenˊ tuˇ

Turned to dust

話最好 huaˋ zuiˋ haoˇ

Would be best

hua, shua

耍威風 shuaˇ wei¯ feng¯

Throw one's weight around, Overbearing, Make a show of one's authority

耍嘴皮子 shuaˇ zuiˇ piˊ zi˙

Brag, Boast, Talk big

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 14, 31, 33, 41

化為 huaˋ weiˋ

Transform, Turn into

化為了 huaˋ weiˋ le˙

Transformed (into), Turned to

化為了灰燼 huaˋ weiˋ le˙ hui¯ jinˋ

Turned to ashes, Destroyed

化為塵土 huaˋ weiˋ chenˊ tuˇ

Turned to dust

話最好 huaˋ zuiˋ haoˇ

Would be best

44, 14, 31, 33, 41

花卉 hua¯ huiˋ

Flowering plants

44, 14, 31, 33, 41

耍威風 shuaˇ wei¯ feng¯

Throw one's weight around, Overbearing, Make a show of one's authority

44, 14, 31, 33, 41

耍嘴皮子 shuaˇ zuiˇ piˊ zi˙

Brag, Boast, Talk big

44, 14, 31, 33, 41

話雖這麼說 huaˋ sui¯ zheˋ me˙ shuo¯

That being said


丶-言 : > : > [話]-話最 : > [話]-話最好 >

口-日 : > : > [最]-最好 : > [最]-話最好 >

𠄌-女 : > : > [好]-最好 : > [好]-話最好 >

話最好 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 好

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