
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 邊


Still echoing in his ears

huaˋ haiˊ zaiˋ ta¯ erˇ bian¯ huiˊ dangˋ

邊 bian¯
Side, Edge, Border, Margin, Boundary

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Phone , Tone


還在 haiˊ zaiˋ

在他 zaiˋ ta¯

迴盪 huiˊ dangˋ

Words that rhyme with 話還在他耳邊迴盪 (wa-ai)

Grouped by first phone

hua, gua, kua, shua, wa

話才說完 huaˋ caiˊ shuo¯ wanˊ

As soon as the words were spoken, No sooner had the words been spoken

花海 hua¯ haiˇ

Flower bed

花海造景 hua¯ haiˇ zaoˋ jingˇ

Flower bed, Flower display, Landscaped floral arrangement

話還在他耳邊迴盪 huaˋ haiˊ zaiˋ ta¯ erˇ bian¯ huiˊ dangˋ

Still echoing in his ears

話還真多 huaˋ haiˊ zhen¯ duo¯

Talk a lot

花開 hua¯ kai¯

The flowers are blooming

花開了 hua¯ kai¯ le˙

The flowers are blooming

花開的時候 hua¯ kai¯ de˙ shiˊ houˋ

When the flowers bloom, When the flowers are blooming

滑開 huaˊ kai¯

Slid open

劃開 huaˋ kai¯

Cut, Incise, Rip open, Tear open

花在 hua¯ zaiˋ

Spend on, Spent on

畫在我黑板上 huaˋ zaiˋ woˇ hei¯ banˇ shangˋ

Drew on my blackboard

hua, gua, kua, shua, wa

掛在吊大衣的鉤子上 guaˋ zaiˋ diaoˋ daˋ yi¯ de˙ gou¯ zi˙ shangˋ

Hang on a coat hook, Hangs on a coat hook, Hanging on a coat hook, Hanging on the coat hook, Hung on a coat hook

掛在牆 guaˋ zaiˋ qiangˊ

Hanging on the wall

掛在門後 guaˋ zaiˋ menˊ houˋ

Hanging behind the door, Behind the door

hua, gua, kua, shua, wa

跨海堤道 kuaˋ haiˇ tiˊ daoˋ

Cross-sea causeway, Causeway

hua, gua, kua, shua, wa

耍賴 shuaˇ laiˋ

Act unreasonable, Act without shame, Act shamelessly

hua, gua, kua, shua, wa

挖開 wa¯ kai¯

Dig out

瓦奈 waˇ naiˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 34, 41, 43, 44

話才說完 huaˋ caiˊ shuo¯ wanˊ

As soon as the words were spoken, No sooner had the words been spoken

話還在他耳邊迴盪 huaˋ haiˊ zaiˋ ta¯ erˇ bian¯ huiˊ dangˋ

Still echoing in his ears

話還真多 huaˋ haiˊ zhen¯ duo¯

Talk a lot

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 34, 41, 43, 44

花開 hua¯ kai¯

The flowers are blooming

花開了 hua¯ kai¯ le˙

The flowers are blooming

花開的時候 hua¯ kai¯ de˙ shiˊ houˋ

When the flowers bloom, When the flowers are blooming

挖開 wa¯ kai¯

Dig out

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 34, 41, 43, 44

花海 hua¯ haiˇ

Flower bed

花海造景 hua¯ haiˇ zaoˋ jingˇ

Flower bed, Flower display, Landscaped floral arrangement

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 34, 41, 43, 44

花在 hua¯ zaiˋ

Spend on, Spent on

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 34, 41, 43, 44

滑開 huaˊ kai¯

Slid open

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 34, 41, 43, 44

耍賴 shuaˇ laiˋ

Act unreasonable, Act without shame, Act shamelessly

瓦奈 waˇ naiˋ


42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 34, 41, 43, 44

劃開 huaˋ kai¯

Cut, Incise, Rip open, Tear open

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 34, 41, 43, 44

跨海堤道 kuaˋ haiˇ tiˊ daoˋ

Cross-sea causeway, Causeway

42, 11, 13, 14, 21, 34, 41, 43, 44

掛在吊大衣的鉤子上 guaˋ zaiˋ diaoˋ daˋ yi¯ de˙ gou¯ zi˙ shangˋ

Hang on a coat hook, Hangs on a coat hook, Hanging on a coat hook, Hanging on the coat hook, Hung on a coat hook

掛在牆 guaˋ zaiˋ qiangˊ

Hanging on the wall

掛在門後 guaˋ zaiˋ menˊ houˋ

Hanging behind the door, Behind the door

畫在我黑板上 huaˋ zaiˋ woˇ hei¯ banˇ shangˋ

Drew on my blackboard

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