Police, Watch, Warn, Alarm, Alert
Word Links for words containing 警 (sorted via character pairs)
警告 Warn, Warning, Warned
像是警告 Like a warning
禮貌警告 Politely warn
給他們當警告 To warm them, As a warning to them, As a warning
警告過 Warned
曾警告過 Had warned
事先警告我 Warn me first
已經警告過 Had warned, Had already warned
曾警告過她 Had warned her
他曾警告過她 He had warned her
警察 Police officer
快叫警察 Call the police
秘密警察 Secret police
警察局 Police station
警察廳 Police department
警察巡官 Police Inspector
位警察巡官 A Police Inspector
你是位警察巡官 You are a police inspector
警察酒吧 Cop bar, Bar for coppers, Police bar
某家警察酒吧 Some cop bar, A certain cop bar
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