
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 費


I'll pay for everything, I'll cover the entire cost

feiˋ yongˋ quanˊ youˊ woˇ chu¯

費 feiˋ
Fee, Cost, Expense, Pay, Spend, Consume, Waste

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Phone , Tone


費用 feiˋ yongˋ

由我出 youˊ woˇ chu¯

Words that rhyme with 費用全由我出 (ei-yong)

Grouped by first phone

fei, bei, dei, hei, mei, nei

費用 feiˋ yongˋ

Fee, Expenditure, Cost

費用全由我出 feiˋ yongˋ quanˊ youˊ woˇ chu¯

I'll pay for everything, I'll cover the entire cost

費用另計算如下 feiˋ yongˋ lingˋ jiˋ suanˋ ruˊ xiaˋ

Fees are calculated as follows

fei, bei, dei, hei, mei, nei

備用 beiˋ yongˋ

Spare, Stand by, Alternative, Back up

備用的 beiˋ yongˋ de˙

Alternate, Stand by, Back up

備用降落傘 beiˋ yongˋ jiangˋ luoˋ sanˇ

Spare parachute, Reserve parachute

fei, bei, dei, hei, mei, nei

得用上三倍 deiˇ yongˋ shangˋ san¯ beiˋ

Using three times as much

fei, bei, dei, hei, mei, nei

黑熊 hei¯ xiongˊ

Black bear

fei, bei, dei, hei, mei, nei

沒用 meiˊ yongˋ

Useless, Didn't use, Don't use

沒用的 meiˊ yongˋ de˙

It's no use!

fei, bei, dei, hei, mei, nei

內用 neiˋ yongˋ

Eat in

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 12, 24, 34

備用 beiˋ yongˋ

Spare, Stand by, Alternative, Back up

備用的 beiˋ yongˋ de˙

Alternate, Stand by, Back up

備用降落傘 beiˋ yongˋ jiangˋ luoˋ sanˇ

Spare parachute, Reserve parachute

費用 feiˋ yongˋ

Fee, Expenditure, Cost

費用全由我出 feiˋ yongˋ quanˊ youˊ woˇ chu¯

I'll pay for everything, I'll cover the entire cost

費用另計算如下 feiˋ yongˋ lingˋ jiˋ suanˋ ruˊ xiaˋ

Fees are calculated as follows

內用 neiˋ yongˋ

Eat in

44, 12, 24, 34

黑熊 hei¯ xiongˊ

Black bear

44, 12, 24, 34

沒用 meiˊ yongˋ

Useless, Didn't use, Don't use

沒用的 meiˊ yongˋ de˙

It's no use!

44, 12, 24, 34

得用上三倍 deiˇ yongˋ shangˋ san¯ beiˋ

Using three times as much


𠃌-弓 : > : > [費]-費用 : > [費]-費用全由我出 >

冂-⺆ : > : > [用]-費用 : > [用]-費用全由我出 >

人-人 : > : > [全]-全由 : > [全]-費用全由我出 >

丨-由 : > : > [由]-由我 : > [由]-費用全由我出 >

丿-千 : > : > [我]-我出 : > [我]-費用全由我出 >

凵-出 : > : > [出]-我出 : > [出]-費用全由我出 >

費用全由我出 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 費

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