
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 排


These numbers

zheˋ paiˊ shuˋ ziˋ

排 paiˊ, paiˇ
Arrange, Line Up, Discharge, Dispel, Expel, Platoon, MW For Objects Arranged In Rows

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Phone , Tone


數字 shuˋ ziˋ

Words that rhyme with 這排數字 (e-ai)

Grouped by first phone

zhe, che, e, ge, he, ke, re, se

這才是 zheˋ caiˊ shiˋ

This is

這才重要 zheˋ caiˊ zhongˋ yaoˋ

That's what matters, That's the main thing

遮蓋 zhe¯ gaiˋ

Cover up

這還是讓他憤怒 zheˋ haiˊ shiˋ rangˋ ta¯ fenˋ nuˋ

This still made him angry, This still rankled him

這還用說 zheˋ haiˊ yongˋ shuo¯

Needless to say, Oh yes

這排數字 zheˋ paiˊ shuˋ ziˋ

These numbers

遮太陽 zhe¯ taiˋ yangˊ

Take shelter from the sun

這臺電腦 zheˋ taiˊ dianˋ naoˇ

This computer

zhe, che, e, ge, he, ke, re, se

車牌 che¯ paiˊ

License plate

zhe, che, e, ge, he, ke, re, se

惡待 eˋ daiˋ

Ill-treatment, Ill-treated, Ill-used

zhe, che, e, ge, he, ke, re, se

割開 ge¯ kai¯

Slice, Cut, Cut open

隔開 geˊ kai¯


zhe, che, e, ge, he, ke, re, se

和藹 heˊ aiˇ


喝彩 heˋ caiˇ


喝太多茶了 he¯ taiˋ duo¯ chaˊ le˙

Drank too much tea, Drinking too much tea

何在 heˊ zaiˋ

Where is…? What is

zhe, che, e, ge, he, ke, re, se

可愛 keˇ aiˋ

Cute, Loveable, Likable, Endearing

可愛男孩 keˇ aiˋ nanˊ haiˊ

Cute boys

可愛的 keˇ aiˋ de˙

Cute, Lovely

可拆卸 keˇ chai¯ xieˋ


可買 keˇ maiˇ

Could buy

zhe, che, e, ge, he, ke, re, se

熱愛 reˋ aiˋ

Passionate about, Love passionately, Love deeply

熱帶 reˋ daiˋ

The tropics, Tropical

熱帶花朵 reˋ daiˋ hua¯ duoˇ

Tropical flower, Tropical flowers

熱帶魚 reˋ daiˋ yuˊ

Tropical fish

zhe, che, e, ge, he, ke, re, se

色彩 seˋ caiˇ

Color, Hue, Tint

色彩空間 seˋ caiˇ kong¯ jian¯

Color space i.e. sRGB or Adobe RGB

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

這才是 zheˋ caiˊ shiˋ

This is

這才重要 zheˋ caiˊ zhongˋ yaoˋ

That's what matters, That's the main thing

這還是讓他憤怒 zheˋ haiˊ shiˋ rangˋ ta¯ fenˋ nuˋ

This still made him angry, This still rankled him

這還用說 zheˋ haiˊ yongˋ shuo¯

Needless to say, Oh yes

這排數字 zheˋ paiˊ shuˋ ziˋ

These numbers

這臺電腦 zheˋ taiˊ dianˋ naoˇ

This computer

42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

割開 ge¯ kai¯

Slice, Cut, Cut open

42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

車牌 che¯ paiˊ

License plate

42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

喝太多茶了 he¯ taiˋ duo¯ chaˊ le˙

Drank too much tea, Drinking too much tea

遮蓋 zhe¯ gaiˋ

Cover up

遮太陽 zhe¯ taiˋ yangˊ

Take shelter from the sun

42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

隔開 geˊ kai¯


42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

和藹 heˊ aiˇ


42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

何在 heˊ zaiˋ

Where is…? What is

42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

可拆卸 keˇ chai¯ xieˋ


42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

可買 keˇ maiˇ

Could buy

42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

可愛 keˇ aiˋ

Cute, Loveable, Likable, Endearing

可愛男孩 keˇ aiˋ nanˊ haiˊ

Cute boys

可愛的 keˇ aiˋ de˙

Cute, Lovely

42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

喝彩 heˋ caiˇ


色彩 seˋ caiˇ

Color, Hue, Tint

色彩空間 seˋ caiˇ kong¯ jian¯

Color space i.e. sRGB or Adobe RGB

42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

惡待 eˋ daiˋ

Ill-treatment, Ill-treated, Ill-used

熱愛 reˋ aiˋ

Passionate about, Love passionately, Love deeply

熱帶 reˋ daiˋ

The tropics, Tropical

熱帶花朵 reˋ daiˋ hua¯ duoˇ

Tropical flower, Tropical flowers

熱帶魚 reˋ daiˋ yuˊ

Tropical fish


丶-辶 : > : > [這]-這排 : > [這]-這排數字 >

十-扌 : > : > [排]-排數 : > [排]-這排數字 >

丨-婁 : > : > [數]-數字 : > [數]-這排數字 >

丶-宀 : > : > [字]-數字 : > [字]-這排數字 >

這排數字 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 排

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