
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 遍


All around, Everywhere

bianˋ diˋ

遍 bianˋ
All Over, Ubiquitous, Everywhere, Throughout, ATime, MW For Number Of Times An Action Is Repeated

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 遍地 (yan-yi)

Grouped by first phone

bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

變低 bianˋ di¯

Went lower, Descended

變低了 bianˋ di¯ le˙

Went lower, Descended

遍地 bianˋ diˋ

All around, Everywhere

編輯 bian¯ jiˊ

Edit, Editing, Edited

編輯短片的首尾場景 bian¯ jiˊ duanˇ pianˋ de˙ shouˇ weiˇ changˇ jingˇ

Editing movies first and last scenes

便繼續 bianˋ jiˋ xuˋ

And so continue (to)

便利 bianˋ liˋ

Convenient, Expedient

便利商店 bianˋ liˋ shang¯ dianˋ

Convenience store

便利店 bianˋ liˋ dianˋ

Convenience store

便利貼 bianˋ liˋ tie¯

Post-it Notes

便立刻 bianˋ liˋ keˋ

And so immediately

便祕 bianˋ miˋ


便宜行事 bianˋ yiˊ xingˊ shiˋ

Act as circumstances require without having to tell boss

變異 bianˋ yiˋ


bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

墊底 dianˋ diˇ


點擊率 dianˇ ji¯ luuˋ

Click rate

電擊 dianˋ ji¯

Electrical shock, Attack using electricity, Electrocute

電極貼片 dianˋ jiˊ tie¯ pianˋ

Electrode, Electrodes

惦記 dianˋ jiˋ

Feel concern for, Think about, Worry about

典禮 dianˇ liˇ


電力 dianˋ liˋ

Electrical (utility), Power (electricity)

電器 dianˋ qiˋ

Electricical equipment

電梯 dianˋ ti¯


bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

見地 jianˋ diˋ

Insight, Views, Ideas, Beliefs

肩立式 jian¯ liˋ shiˋ

Shoulder Stand, Salamba Sarvangasana

簡歷 jianˇ liˋ

Resume for a job application

繭栗 jianˇ liˋ

Calf, Flower bulb, Bamboo shoot, Moral rectitude

建立 jianˋ liˋ

Establish, Set up, Found

建立了 jianˋ liˋ le˙


建立了連結 jianˋ liˋ le˙ lianˊ jieˊ

Established a connection, Established a link

建立周朝 jianˋ liˋ zhou¯ chaoˊ

Established the Zhou Dynasty

建立新封國 jianˋ liˋ xin¯ feng¯ guoˊ

Establish new fiefdoms, Establishing new kingdoms, Established new fiefdoms

建立誠信 jianˋ liˋ chengˊ xinˋ

Build integrity

建立起關係 jianˋ liˋ qiˇ guan¯ xiˋ

Establish a relationship, Established a relationship

濺泥 jianˋ niˊ

Splash mud

撿起 jianˇ qiˇ

Caught, Grabbed, Gathered up

撿起來 jianˇ qiˇ laiˊ

Pick up

濺起 jianˋ qiˇ


濺起了 jianˋ qiˇ le˙


簡體字 jianˇ tiˇ ziˋ

Simplified Chinese

間隙 jian¯ xiˋ

Clearance, Gap, Crevice, Animosity, Discord

見習祭 jianˋ xiˊ jiˋ

Trainee priest, Novice

繭衣 jianˇ yi¯

Cocoon's rough outer surface

簡易 jianˇ yiˋ


建議 jianˋ yiˋ

Recommend, Recommended, Suggest, Suggested, Advise, Advised

建議使用 jianˋ yiˋ shiˇ yongˋ

Recommended for use, Recommended that you use, It is recommended that you use

見義勇為 jianˋ yiˋ yongˇ weiˊ

Be brave

bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

聯繫上對方 lianˊ jiˋ shangˋ duiˋ fang¯

Get in touch with each other

練肌 lianˋ ji¯

Trained (muscles), Exercised (with a focus on building muscle)

練體態線條 lianˋ tiˇ taiˋ xianˋ tiaoˊ

Train for muscular definition, Train to look good

憐惜 lianˊ xi¯

Take pity on

聯繫 lianˊ xiˋ

Contact, Connection, Get in touch with, Unite, Join together

聯繫了 lianˊ xiˋ le˙


連繫 lianˊ xiˋ

Contact, Talk to

練習 lianˋ xiˊ

Practice, Train, Exercise, Exercises

練習才行 lianˋ xiˊ caiˊ xingˊ


連一半 lianˊ yiˊ banˋ

Even half

bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

面積 mianˋ ji¯

Area, Acreage

面積也才多 mianˋ ji¯ yeˇ caiˊ duo¯

The area is just an additional

面積為 mianˋ ji¯ weiˋ

Area is

面積的分割 mianˋ ji¯ de˙ fen¯ ge¯

Area partitioning, Surface area partitioning

綿密 mianˊ miˋ

Circumspect, All aspects looked at

免疫 mianˇ yiˋ

Immune, Immunity

免疫力 mianˇ yiˋ liˋ


免疫抑制 mianˇ yiˋ yiˋ zhiˋ

Immunosuppressing, Immunosuppresive

免疫抑制劑 mianˇ yiˋ yiˋ zhiˋ jiˋ


免疫抑制治療 mianˇ yiˋ yiˋ zhiˋ zhiˋ liaoˊ

Immunosuppressive therapy

免疫系統 mianˇ yiˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Immune system

bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

年底 nianˊ diˇ

End of the year

年級 nianˊ jiˊ

School grade, Level

年祭 nianˊ jiˋ

Yearly worship, Yearly sacrifice, Festival

年紀 nianˊ jiˋ

Age, Young, Old

年紀可不小 nianˊ jiˋ keˇ buˋ xiaoˇ

Old, Not young

年紀和地球一樣大 nianˊ jiˋ hanˋ diˋ qiuˊ yiˊ yangˋ daˋ

As old as the earth

年紀小 nianˊ jiˋ xiaoˇ

Young, Younger

年紀較大 nianˊ jiˋ jiaoˋ daˋ


年紀頗大 nianˊ jiˋ po¯ daˋ

Rather old, Considerably older

黏膩 nianˊ niˋ

Greasy, Sticky

唸一樣的故事 nianˋ yiˊ yangˋ de˙ guˋ shiˋ

Read the same story, Reading the same story

念一念 nianˋ yiˊ nianˋ

Read aloud, Recite, Study

bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

偏僻 pian¯ piˋ

Remote, Out of the way

便宜 pianˊ yiˊ

Inexpensive, Cheap

bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

鉛筆 qian¯ biˇ


鉛筆蕊 qian¯ biˇ ruiˇ

Pencil lead

鉛筆蕊的顏色 qian¯ biˇ ruiˇ de˙ yanˊ seˋ

The color of pencil lead

鉛筆頭 qian¯ biˇ touˊ

Pencil head, Pencil tip

前臂 qianˊ biˋ

Forearm, Forearms

前幾世紀 qianˊ jiˇ shiˋ jiˋ

Previous centuries, Centuries ago

前幾天晚上 qianˊ jiˇ tian¯ wanˇ shangˋ

A few nights ago

潛力 qianˊ liˋ


千米 qian¯ miˇ


千奇百怪 qian¯ qiˊ baiˇ guaiˋ

Strange, Odd, Bizarre

前期 qianˊ qiˊ

Previous period

前提 qianˊ tiˊ

Premise, Primary consideration, Prerequisite

遷徙 qian¯ xiˇ

Migration, Migrate, Migrates

前夕 qianˊ xi¯


遷移 qian¯ yiˊ

Migrate, Migrated, Drifted, Moved

遷移到 qian¯ yiˊ daoˋ

Migrated to, Moved to

前一副假牙 qianˊ yiˊ fuˋ jiaˇ yaˊ

Previous pair of false teeth

前移 qianˊ yiˊ

Shift forward, Move forward

潛移默化 qianˊ yiˊ moˋ huaˋ

Influence unobtrusively, Change imperceptibly

前一個世紀 qianˊ yiˋ ge˙ shiˋ jiˋ

The previous century

前一天 qianˊ yiˋ tian¯

One day before

前一年 qianˊ yiˋ nianˊ

The previous year

潛意識 qianˊ yiˋ shiˋ


欠一份債 qianˋ yiˊ fenˋ zhaiˋ

Owe a debt, Have a debt to pay

歉意 qianˋ yiˋ


bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

天敵 tian¯ diˊ

Natural enemy

天地 tian¯ diˋ

World, Heaven and earth

天地會 tian¯ diˋ huiˋ

A secret society

田地 tianˊ diˋ

Field, Fields

天際 tian¯ jiˋ

Horizon, Skyline

甜蜜 tianˊ miˋ


甜膩 tianˊ niˋ

Sweet, Syrupy

天氣 tian¯ qiˋ


天氣不好 tian¯ qiˋ buˋ haoˇ

The weather is bad, The weather was bad

天氣又不夠暖 tian¯ qiˋ youˋ buˊ gouˋ nuanˇ

The weather isn't warm enough, The weather wasn't warm enough

天氣很暖和 tian¯ qiˋ henˇ nuanˇ hanˋ

The weather was warm

天氣很熱 tian¯ qiˋ henˇ reˋ

The weather was very hot

天氣晴 tian¯ qiˋ qingˊ

Sunny weather, Sunny

天氣預報 tian¯ qiˋ yuˋ baoˋ

Weather report, Weather forecast

天一亮 tian¯ yiˊ liangˋ

Dawn, Break of day

bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

先例 xian¯ liˋ


掀起 xian¯ qiˇ

Lift, Raise

掀起來 xian¯ qiˇ laiˊ

Lift, Raise, Put up

嫌棄 xianˊ qiˋ


腺體 xianˋ tiˇ


纖悉 xian¯ xi¯

Know thoroughly

纖悉無遺 xian¯ xi¯ wuˊ yiˊ

Notice every detail, No detail escaping notice

纖細 xian¯ xiˋ

Slim, Slender

先以 xian¯ yiˇ

Start with, Starts with

嫌疑 xianˊ yiˊ

Suspect, Suspicious, Suspicion

嫌疑犯 xianˊ yiˊ fanˋ

Suspected criminals, Suspects

bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

掩擊 yanˇ jiˊ

Waylay, Surprise attack

演技 yanˇ jiˋ

Acting skills

嚴厲 yanˊ liˋ

Strict, Stern, Stringent, Severe, Ruthless, Oppressive

眼裡 yanˇ liˇ

Within one's field of vision, In one's eye, In one's eyes

豔麗 yanˋ liˋ

Radiantly beautiful, Charming, Captivating

嚴密 yanˊ miˋ

Rigid, Exact, Precise

嚴密的 yanˊ miˋ de˙

Rigid, Exact, Precise

眼皮 yanˇ piˊ


鼴皮 yanˇ piˊ

Mole skin

延期 yanˊ qi¯


掩旗息鼓 yanˇ qiˊ xiˊ guˇ

Keep silent and hidden, Keep silent, Furl the banners and silence the drums

掩體 yanˇ tiˇ

Bunker, Rampart, Crew served weapon emplacement

沿襲 yanˊ xiˊ

Follow tradition, Follow old ways

掩襲 yanˇ xiˊ

Surprise attack

演習 yanˇ xiˊ

Military exercises, War games, Military manoeuvres

演戲 yanˇ xiˋ

Act, Perform

演繹 yanˇ yiˋ


演藝圈 yanˇ yiˋ quan¯


Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

遍地 bianˋ diˋ

All around, Everywhere

便繼續 bianˋ jiˋ xuˋ

And so continue (to)

便利 bianˋ liˋ

Convenient, Expedient

便利商店 bianˋ liˋ shang¯ dianˋ

Convenience store

便利店 bianˋ liˋ dianˋ

Convenience store

便利貼 bianˋ liˋ tie¯

Post-it Notes

便立刻 bianˋ liˋ keˋ

And so immediately

便祕 bianˋ miˋ


變異 bianˋ yiˋ


惦記 dianˋ jiˋ

Feel concern for, Think about, Worry about

電力 dianˋ liˋ

Electrical (utility), Power (electricity)

電器 dianˋ qiˋ

Electricical equipment

見地 jianˋ diˋ

Insight, Views, Ideas, Beliefs

建立 jianˋ liˋ

Establish, Set up, Found

建立了 jianˋ liˋ le˙


建立了連結 jianˋ liˋ le˙ lianˊ jieˊ

Established a connection, Established a link

建立周朝 jianˋ liˋ zhou¯ chaoˊ

Established the Zhou Dynasty

建立新封國 jianˋ liˋ xin¯ feng¯ guoˊ

Establish new fiefdoms, Establishing new kingdoms, Established new fiefdoms

建立誠信 jianˋ liˋ chengˊ xinˋ

Build integrity

建立起關係 jianˋ liˋ qiˇ guan¯ xiˋ

Establish a relationship, Established a relationship

建議 jianˋ yiˋ

Recommend, Recommended, Suggest, Suggested, Advise, Advised

建議使用 jianˋ yiˋ shiˇ yongˋ

Recommended for use, Recommended that you use, It is recommended that you use

見義勇為 jianˋ yiˋ yongˇ weiˊ

Be brave

歉意 qianˋ yiˋ


豔麗 yanˋ liˋ

Radiantly beautiful, Charming, Captivating

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

纖悉 xian¯ xi¯

Know thoroughly

纖悉無遺 xian¯ xi¯ wuˊ yiˊ

Notice every detail, No detail escaping notice

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

編輯 bian¯ jiˊ

Edit, Editing, Edited

編輯短片的首尾場景 bian¯ jiˊ duanˇ pianˋ de˙ shouˇ weiˇ changˇ jingˇ

Editing movies first and last scenes

千奇百怪 qian¯ qiˊ baiˇ guaiˋ

Strange, Odd, Bizarre

遷移 qian¯ yiˊ

Migrate, Migrated, Drifted, Moved

遷移到 qian¯ yiˊ daoˋ

Migrated to, Moved to

天敵 tian¯ diˊ

Natural enemy

天一亮 tian¯ yiˊ liangˋ

Dawn, Break of day

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

鉛筆 qian¯ biˇ


鉛筆蕊 qian¯ biˇ ruiˇ

Pencil lead

鉛筆蕊的顏色 qian¯ biˇ ruiˇ de˙ yanˊ seˋ

The color of pencil lead

鉛筆頭 qian¯ biˇ touˊ

Pencil head, Pencil tip

千米 qian¯ miˇ


遷徙 qian¯ xiˇ

Migration, Migrate, Migrates

掀起 xian¯ qiˇ

Lift, Raise

掀起來 xian¯ qiˇ laiˊ

Lift, Raise, Put up

先以 xian¯ yiˇ

Start with, Starts with

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

肩立式 jian¯ liˋ shiˋ

Shoulder Stand, Salamba Sarvangasana

間隙 jian¯ xiˋ

Clearance, Gap, Crevice, Animosity, Discord

偏僻 pian¯ piˋ

Remote, Out of the way

天地 tian¯ diˋ

World, Heaven and earth

天地會 tian¯ diˋ huiˋ

A secret society

天際 tian¯ jiˋ

Horizon, Skyline

天氣 tian¯ qiˋ


天氣不好 tian¯ qiˋ buˋ haoˇ

The weather is bad, The weather was bad

天氣又不夠暖 tian¯ qiˋ youˋ buˊ gouˋ nuanˇ

The weather isn't warm enough, The weather wasn't warm enough

天氣很暖和 tian¯ qiˋ henˇ nuanˇ hanˋ

The weather was warm

天氣很熱 tian¯ qiˋ henˇ reˋ

The weather was very hot

天氣晴 tian¯ qiˋ qingˊ

Sunny weather, Sunny

天氣預報 tian¯ qiˋ yuˋ baoˋ

Weather report, Weather forecast

先例 xian¯ liˋ


纖細 xian¯ xiˋ

Slim, Slender

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

憐惜 lianˊ xi¯

Take pity on

前夕 qianˊ xi¯


延期 yanˊ qi¯


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

連一半 lianˊ yiˊ banˋ

Even half

年級 nianˊ jiˊ

School grade, Level

便宜 pianˊ yiˊ

Inexpensive, Cheap

前期 qianˊ qiˊ

Previous period

前提 qianˊ tiˊ

Premise, Primary consideration, Prerequisite

前一副假牙 qianˊ yiˊ fuˋ jiaˇ yaˊ

Previous pair of false teeth

前移 qianˊ yiˊ

Shift forward, Move forward

潛移默化 qianˊ yiˊ moˋ huaˋ

Influence unobtrusively, Change imperceptibly

嫌疑 xianˊ yiˊ

Suspect, Suspicious, Suspicion

嫌疑犯 xianˊ yiˊ fanˋ

Suspected criminals, Suspects

沿襲 yanˊ xiˊ

Follow tradition, Follow old ways

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

年底 nianˊ diˇ

End of the year

前幾世紀 qianˊ jiˇ shiˋ jiˋ

Previous centuries, Centuries ago

前幾天晚上 qianˊ jiˇ tian¯ wanˇ shangˋ

A few nights ago

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

聯繫上對方 lianˊ jiˋ shangˋ duiˋ fang¯

Get in touch with each other

聯繫 lianˊ xiˋ

Contact, Connection, Get in touch with, Unite, Join together

聯繫了 lianˊ xiˋ le˙


連繫 lianˊ xiˋ

Contact, Talk to

綿密 mianˊ miˋ

Circumspect, All aspects looked at

年祭 nianˊ jiˋ

Yearly worship, Yearly sacrifice, Festival

年紀 nianˊ jiˋ

Age, Young, Old

年紀可不小 nianˊ jiˋ keˇ buˋ xiaoˇ

Old, Not young

年紀和地球一樣大 nianˊ jiˋ hanˋ diˋ qiuˊ yiˊ yangˋ daˋ

As old as the earth

年紀小 nianˊ jiˋ xiaoˇ

Young, Younger

年紀較大 nianˊ jiˋ jiaoˋ daˋ


年紀頗大 nianˊ jiˋ po¯ daˋ

Rather old, Considerably older

黏膩 nianˊ niˋ

Greasy, Sticky

前臂 qianˊ biˋ

Forearm, Forearms

潛力 qianˊ liˋ


前一個世紀 qianˊ yiˋ ge˙ shiˋ jiˋ

The previous century

前一天 qianˊ yiˋ tian¯

One day before

前一年 qianˊ yiˋ nianˊ

The previous year

潛意識 qianˊ yiˋ shiˋ


田地 tianˊ diˋ

Field, Fields

甜蜜 tianˊ miˋ


甜膩 tianˊ niˋ

Sweet, Syrupy

嫌棄 xianˊ qiˋ


嚴厲 yanˊ liˋ

Strict, Stern, Stringent, Severe, Ruthless, Oppressive

嚴密 yanˊ miˋ

Rigid, Exact, Precise

嚴密的 yanˊ miˋ de˙

Rigid, Exact, Precise

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

點擊率 dianˇ ji¯ luuˋ

Click rate

繭衣 jianˇ yi¯

Cocoon's rough outer surface

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

掩擊 yanˇ jiˊ

Waylay, Surprise attack

眼皮 yanˇ piˊ


鼴皮 yanˇ piˊ

Mole skin

掩旗息鼓 yanˇ qiˊ xiˊ guˇ

Keep silent and hidden, Keep silent, Furl the banners and silence the drums

掩襲 yanˇ xiˊ

Surprise attack

演習 yanˇ xiˊ

Military exercises, War games, Military manoeuvres

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

典禮 dianˇ liˇ


撿起 jianˇ qiˇ

Caught, Grabbed, Gathered up

撿起來 jianˇ qiˇ laiˊ

Pick up

簡體字 jianˇ tiˇ ziˋ

Simplified Chinese

眼裡 yanˇ liˇ

Within one's field of vision, In one's eye, In one's eyes

掩體 yanˇ tiˇ

Bunker, Rampart, Crew served weapon emplacement

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

簡歷 jianˇ liˋ

Resume for a job application

繭栗 jianˇ liˋ

Calf, Flower bulb, Bamboo shoot, Moral rectitude

簡易 jianˇ yiˋ


免疫 mianˇ yiˋ

Immune, Immunity

免疫力 mianˇ yiˋ liˋ


免疫抑制 mianˇ yiˋ yiˋ zhiˋ

Immunosuppressing, Immunosuppresive

免疫抑制劑 mianˇ yiˋ yiˋ zhiˋ jiˋ


免疫抑制治療 mianˇ yiˋ yiˋ zhiˋ zhiˋ liaoˊ

Immunosuppressive therapy

免疫系統 mianˇ yiˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Immune system

演技 yanˇ jiˋ

Acting skills

演戲 yanˇ xiˋ

Act, Perform

演繹 yanˇ yiˋ


演藝圈 yanˇ yiˋ quan¯


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

變低 bianˋ di¯

Went lower, Descended

變低了 bianˋ di¯ le˙

Went lower, Descended

電擊 dianˋ ji¯

Electrical shock, Attack using electricity, Electrocute

電梯 dianˋ ti¯


練肌 lianˋ ji¯

Trained (muscles), Exercised (with a focus on building muscle)

面積 mianˋ ji¯

Area, Acreage

面積也才多 mianˋ ji¯ yeˇ caiˊ duo¯

The area is just an additional

面積為 mianˋ ji¯ weiˋ

Area is

面積的分割 mianˋ ji¯ de˙ fen¯ ge¯

Area partitioning, Surface area partitioning

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

便宜行事 bianˋ yiˊ xingˊ shiˋ

Act as circumstances require without having to tell boss

電極貼片 dianˋ jiˊ tie¯ pianˋ

Electrode, Electrodes

濺泥 jianˋ niˊ

Splash mud

見習祭 jianˋ xiˊ jiˋ

Trainee priest, Novice

練習 lianˋ xiˊ

Practice, Train, Exercise, Exercises

練習才行 lianˋ xiˊ caiˊ xingˊ


唸一樣的故事 nianˋ yiˊ yangˋ de˙ guˋ shiˋ

Read the same story, Reading the same story

念一念 nianˋ yiˊ nianˋ

Read aloud, Recite, Study

欠一份債 qianˋ yiˊ fenˋ zhaiˋ

Owe a debt, Have a debt to pay

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

墊底 dianˋ diˇ


濺起 jianˋ qiˇ


濺起了 jianˋ qiˇ le˙


練體態線條 lianˋ tiˇ taiˋ xianˋ tiaoˊ

Train for muscular definition, Train to look good

腺體 xianˋ tiˇ



丶-辶 : > : > [遍]-遍地 : > [遍]-遍地 >

十-土 : > : > [地]-遍地 : > [地]-遍地 >

遍地 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 遍

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