
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 遠


Escape to a place faraway, Flee to a distant location

yuanˇ dunˋ

遠 yuanˇ, yuanˋ
Far, Distant, Deep, Profound, Remote, Keep at a distance(yuan4), Keep away from, Keep at a distance

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 遠遁 (yuan-wen)

Grouped by first phone

yuan, quan

遠遁 yuanˇ dunˋ

Escape to a place faraway, Flee to a distant location

圓滾滾 yuanˊ gunˇ gunˇ


圓滾滾的 yuanˊ gunˇ gunˇ de˙


圓滾滾的肚子 yuanˊ gunˇ gunˇ de˙ duˋ zi˙

Round belly

yuan, quan

全文 quanˊ wenˊ

Full text

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 22, 23

遠遁 yuanˇ dunˋ

Escape to a place faraway, Flee to a distant location

34, 22, 23

全文 quanˊ wenˊ

Full text

34, 22, 23

圓滾滾 yuanˊ gunˇ gunˇ


圓滾滾的 yuanˊ gunˇ gunˇ de˙


圓滾滾的肚子 yuanˊ gunˇ gunˇ de˙ duˋ zi˙

Round belly


丶-辶 : > : > [遠]-遠遁 : > [遠]-遠遁 >

丶-辶 : > : > [遁]-遠遁 : > [遁]-遠遁 >

遠遁 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 遠

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