
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 遮


Lens hood

zhe¯ guang¯ zhaoˋ

遮 zhe¯
Cover Up, Hide, Conceal, Shade, Shield, Intercept, Block, Protect From

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 遮光罩 (e-wang)

Grouped by first phone

zhe, ce, he, ke, se, she

遮光罩 zhe¯ guang¯ zhaoˋ

Lens hood

這雙鞋子 zheˋ shuang¯ xieˊ zi˙

This pair of shoes

zhe, ce, he, ke, se, she

測光 ceˋ guang¯

Measure, Measuring, Metering (measuring)

測光模式 ceˋ guang¯ moˊ shiˋ

Light metering mode, Metering mode

zhe, ce, he, ke, se, she

何況 heˊ kuangˋ

Not to mention, Let alone, Much less

zhe, ce, he, ke, se, she

可望 keˇ wangˋ

Expect, Expected

渴望 keˇ wangˋ

Thirst for, Long for, Crave, Desire

zhe, ce, he, ke, se, she

色光 seˋ guang¯

Colors of light, Color of light

zhe, ce, he, ke, se, she

奢望 she¯ wangˋ

Wishful thinking

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 14, 24, 34, 41

遮光罩 zhe¯ guang¯ zhaoˋ

Lens hood

11, 14, 24, 34, 41

奢望 she¯ wangˋ

Wishful thinking

11, 14, 24, 34, 41

何況 heˊ kuangˋ

Not to mention, Let alone, Much less

11, 14, 24, 34, 41

可望 keˇ wangˋ

Expect, Expected

渴望 keˇ wangˋ

Thirst for, Long for, Crave, Desire

11, 14, 24, 34, 41

測光 ceˋ guang¯

Measure, Measuring, Metering (measuring)

測光模式 ceˋ guang¯ moˊ shiˋ

Light metering mode, Metering mode

色光 seˋ guang¯

Colors of light, Color of light

這雙鞋子 zheˋ shuang¯ xieˊ zi˙

This pair of shoes


丶-辶 : > : > [遮]-遮光 : > [遮]-遮光罩 >

人-⺌ : > : > [光]-光罩 : > [光]-遮光罩 >

口-罒 : > : > [罩]-光罩 : > [罩]-遮光罩 >

遮光罩 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 遮

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