
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


haiˊ xu¯ yaoˋ haoˇ jiˇ ge˙ xiaoˇ shiˊ ne˙

It will take several hours, It will be a few hours yet, It would be a few hours yet

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Words and Phrases included in:

需要 Need, Need to, Needing, Requiring

xu¯ yaoˋ

要好 Close (friends), On good terms with, Be in love with, Desire to excel

yaoˋ haoˇ

好幾 Many, Lots

haoˇ jiˇ

幾個 Some, A few, Several

jiˇ ge˙

好幾個 More than a few, Many, A lot of

haoˇ jiˇ ge˙

小時 Hour, Hours

xiaoˇ shiˊ

幾個小時 A few hours, Many hours

jiˇ ge˙ xiaoˇ shiˊ


丶-辶 : > : > [還]-還需 : >

一-雨 : > : > [需]-需要 : >

一-覀 : > : > [要]-需要 : >

𠄌-女 : > : > [好]-要好 : >

𠄌-幺 : > : > [幾]-好幾 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [個]-幾個 : >

人-小 : > : > [小]-小時 : >

口-日 : > : > [時]-小時 : >

口-口 : > : > [呢]-時呢 : >


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