
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 都


All busy

dou¯ zaiˋ mangˊ

都 dou¯, du¯
All, Each And Every, Both, Entirely, Even, Already, (Du1), City, Town, Metropolis

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Phone , Tone


都在 dou¯ zaiˋ

Words that rhyme with 都在忙 (ou-ai)

Grouped by first phone

dou, chou, gou, hou, kou, mou, pou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

都在 dou¯ zaiˋ

Is all, Are all

都在忙 dou¯ zaiˋ mangˊ

All busy

dou, chou, gou, hou, kou, mou, pou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

抽開 chou¯ kai¯

Pull away

抽開手 chou¯ kai¯ shouˇ

Pull their hand away

dou, chou, gou, hou, kou, mou, pou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

購買 gouˋ maiˇ

Purchase, Buy

購買人 gouˋ maiˇ renˊ


夠窄 gouˋ zhaiˇ

Narrow enough, Sufficiently narrow

dou, chou, gou, hou, kou, mou, pou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

後代 houˋ daiˋ

Descendants, Future generations

後來 houˋ laiˊ

After, Afterwards

後來幾小時 houˋ laiˊ jiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ

For a few hours afterwards, For the next few hours

後來怎樣了 houˋ laiˊ zenˇ yangˋ le˙

How'd it turn out, How'd it go

後來有天晚上 houˋ laiˊ youˇ tian¯ wanˇ shangˋ

Then one night

後台 houˋ taiˊ


dou, chou, gou, hou, kou, mou, pou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

口才 kouˇ caiˊ

Eloquent, Eloquence

口呆 kouˇ dai¯

Mouth agape, With mouth agape

口袋 kouˇ daiˋ

Pocket, Pockets

口袋裡那些零錢 kouˇ daiˋ liˇ naˋ xie¯ lingˊ qianˊ

Pocket change, Loose change

dou, chou, gou, hou, kou, mou, pou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

謀害 mouˊ haiˋ


dou, chou, gou, hou, kou, mou, pou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

剖開 pouˇ kai¯

Cut open

dou, chou, gou, hou, kou, mou, pou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

受愛戴的 shouˋ aiˋ daiˋ de˙

Loved (object or thing)

受害 shouˋ haiˋ

Victim, Suffer injury, Suffer damage, Injured, Damaged

受害人 shouˋ haiˋ renˊ

Victim, The victim

受害者 shouˋ haiˋ zheˇ

Victim, Victims

收買 shou¯ maiˇ

Bribe, Buy

受災 shouˋ zai¯

Disaster, Afflicted

dou, chou, gou, hou, kou, mou, pou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

偷來的 tou¯ laiˊ de˙

Stole, Stolen

dou, chou, gou, hou, kou, mou, pou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

周代 zhou¯ daiˋ

Zhou Dynasty

dou, chou, gou, hou, kou, mou, pou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

走開 zouˇ kai¯


走來 zouˇ laiˊ

Come over, Came over, Approached

走來走去 zouˇ laiˊ zouˇ quˋ

Went around, Wondered around

走在他旁邊 zouˇ zaiˋ ta¯ pangˊ bian¯

Walking by his side, walked by his side, Walk beside him, Walks beside him, Walked beside him

走在前頭 zouˇ zaiˋ qianˊ touˊ

Walk in front, Lead the way

走在土上 zouˇ zaiˋ tuˇ shangˋ

Walking on earth

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 11, 12, 13, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

都在 dou¯ zaiˋ

Is all, Are all

都在忙 dou¯ zaiˋ mangˊ

All busy

周代 zhou¯ daiˋ

Zhou Dynasty

14, 11, 12, 13, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

抽開 chou¯ kai¯

Pull away

抽開手 chou¯ kai¯ shouˇ

Pull their hand away

14, 11, 12, 13, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

偷來的 tou¯ laiˊ de˙

Stole, Stolen

14, 11, 12, 13, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

收買 shou¯ maiˇ

Bribe, Buy

14, 11, 12, 13, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

謀害 mouˊ haiˋ


14, 11, 12, 13, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

口呆 kouˇ dai¯

Mouth agape, With mouth agape

剖開 pouˇ kai¯

Cut open

走開 zouˇ kai¯


14, 11, 12, 13, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

口才 kouˇ caiˊ

Eloquent, Eloquence

走來 zouˇ laiˊ

Come over, Came over, Approached

走來走去 zouˇ laiˊ zouˇ quˋ

Went around, Wondered around

14, 11, 12, 13, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

口袋 kouˇ daiˋ

Pocket, Pockets

口袋裡那些零錢 kouˇ daiˋ liˇ naˋ xie¯ lingˊ qianˊ

Pocket change, Loose change

走在他旁邊 zouˇ zaiˋ ta¯ pangˊ bian¯

Walking by his side, walked by his side, Walk beside him, Walks beside him, Walked beside him

走在前頭 zouˇ zaiˋ qianˊ touˊ

Walk in front, Lead the way

走在土上 zouˇ zaiˋ tuˇ shangˋ

Walking on earth

14, 11, 12, 13, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

受災 shouˋ zai¯

Disaster, Afflicted

14, 11, 12, 13, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

後來 houˋ laiˊ

After, Afterwards

後來幾小時 houˋ laiˊ jiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ

For a few hours afterwards, For the next few hours

後來怎樣了 houˋ laiˊ zenˇ yangˋ le˙

How'd it turn out, How'd it go

後來有天晚上 houˋ laiˊ youˇ tian¯ wanˇ shangˋ

Then one night

後台 houˋ taiˊ


14, 11, 12, 13, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

購買 gouˋ maiˇ

Purchase, Buy

購買人 gouˋ maiˇ renˊ


夠窄 gouˋ zhaiˇ

Narrow enough, Sufficiently narrow

14, 11, 12, 13, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

後代 houˋ daiˋ

Descendants, Future generations

受愛戴的 shouˋ aiˋ daiˋ de˙

Loved (object or thing)

受害 shouˋ haiˋ

Victim, Suffer injury, Suffer damage, Injured, Damaged

受害人 shouˋ haiˋ renˊ

Victim, The victim

受害者 shouˋ haiˋ zheˇ

Victim, Victims


十-十 : > : > [都]-都在 : > [都]-都在忙 >

十-𠂇 : > : > [在]-都在 : > [在]-都在忙 >

丶-忄 : > : > [忙]-在忙 : > [忙]-都在忙 >

都在忙 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 都

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