
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 新


Fresh start, New beginning

chongˊ xin¯ kai¯ shiˇ

新 xin¯
New, Start, Fresh, Modern, News, Media, Chemical Term

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Phone , Tone


重新 chongˊ xin¯

開始 kai¯ shiˇ

Words that rhyme with 重新開始 (wong-yin)

Grouped by first phone

chong, cong, dong, gong, kong, nong, song, tong, zhong

衝進 chong¯ jinˋ

Charged into, Stormed in, Burst into

衝進廚房 chong¯ jinˋ chuˊ fangˊ

Burst into the kitchen, Charge into the kitchen, Charged into the kitchen

重新 chongˊ xin¯

Restart, Anew, Afresh

重新回到 chongˊ xin¯ huiˊ daoˋ

Returned refreshed, Returned ready to try again

重新排列 chongˊ xin¯ paiˊ lieˋ

Rearrange, Rearranged

重新構圖 chongˊ xin¯ gouˋ tuˊ

Recomposing a shot, Re-arranging how the element of a shot are related

重新考慮 chongˊ xin¯ kaoˇ luuˋ

Reconsider, Rethink things

重新設計過 chongˊ xin¯ sheˋ jiˋ guoˋ


重新開始 chongˊ xin¯ kai¯ shiˇ

Fresh start, New beginning

chong, cong, dong, gong, kong, nong, song, tong, zhong

從今以後 congˊ jin¯ yiˇ houˋ

From now on

叢林 congˊ linˊ


chong, cong, dong, gong, kong, nong, song, tong, zhong

東晉 dong¯ jinˋ

Eastern Jin

東印度 dong¯ yinˋ duˋ

East India

東印度公司 dong¯ yinˋ duˋ gong¯ si¯

East India Company

chong, cong, dong, gong, kong, nong, song, tong, zhong

公斤 gong¯ jin¯

Kilogram, Kg, Weight measure

共金樽 gongˋ jin¯ zun¯

Together Drink Golden Elixir

共進 gongˋ jinˋ

With, Together with

公民 gong¯ minˊ

Citizen, Citizens

公民投票 gong¯ minˊ touˊ piaoˋ


公民投票案 gong¯ minˊ touˊ piaoˋ anˋ

Referendum case

公民的責任 gong¯ minˊ de˙ zeˊ renˋ

Civic duty, Civic duties, Civic responsibilities

chong, cong, dong, gong, kong, nong, song, tong, zhong

空心菜 kong¯ xin¯ caiˋ

Kong Xin Cai, a leafy vegetable with a hollow stem

chong, cong, dong, gong, kong, nong, song, tong, zhong

農民 nongˊ minˊ

Farmer, Farmers, Peasant, Peasants

農民工 nongˊ minˊ gong¯

Migrant Workers

農民心態 nongˊ minˊ xin¯ taiˋ

Farmer mentality, Peasant mentality

chong, cong, dong, gong, kong, nong, song, tong, zhong

送進 songˋ jinˋ

Sent into

送信 songˋ xinˋ

Deliver mail

chong, cong, dong, gong, kong, nong, song, tong, zhong

通信 tong¯ xinˋ

Communicate, Exchange information, Exchange notes, Communications, Correspondance

同心 tongˊ xin¯

Concentric, Sharing a center, Of one heart and mind, United in purpose, United in purpose

同心合力 tongˊ xin¯ heˊ liˋ

Work together, Worked together

痛心 tongˋ xin¯


chong, cong, dong, gong, kong, nong, song, tong, zhong

中心 zhong¯ xin¯

Center, Center point

中心理想 zhong¯ xin¯ liˇ xiangˇ

Central ideal

中心的一點 zhong¯ xin¯ de˙ yiˋ dianˇ

A spot in the middle

中心點 zhong¯ xin¯ dianˇ

Center point, Point of origin

忠心 zhong¯ xin¯

Loyalty, Devotion, Faithfulness

忠心耿耿 zhong¯ xin¯ gengˇ gengˇ

Devoted, Faithful

衷心 zhong¯ xin¯

Heartfelt, Wholehearted

衷心感謝 zhong¯ xin¯ ganˇ xieˋ

Heartfelt gratitude

重心 zhongˋ xin¯

Center of gravity

重心不穩 zhongˋ xin¯ buˋ wenˇ


重新排列組合 zhongˋ xin¯ paiˊ lieˋ zuˇ heˊ

Rearrange, Rearranged

重音 zhongˋ yin¯

Emphasis, Stress

重音發生 zhongˋ yin¯ fa¯ sheng¯

Emphasis, Position or location (syllable) of emphasis

Grouped in tone pairs

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 41, 44

重新 chongˊ xin¯

Restart, Anew, Afresh

重新回到 chongˊ xin¯ huiˊ daoˋ

Returned refreshed, Returned ready to try again

重新排列 chongˊ xin¯ paiˊ lieˋ

Rearrange, Rearranged

重新構圖 chongˊ xin¯ gouˋ tuˊ

Recomposing a shot, Re-arranging how the element of a shot are related

重新考慮 chongˊ xin¯ kaoˇ luuˋ

Reconsider, Rethink things

重新設計過 chongˊ xin¯ sheˋ jiˋ guoˋ


重新開始 chongˊ xin¯ kai¯ shiˇ

Fresh start, New beginning

從今以後 congˊ jin¯ yiˇ houˋ

From now on

同心 tongˊ xin¯

Concentric, Sharing a center, Of one heart and mind, United in purpose, United in purpose

同心合力 tongˊ xin¯ heˊ liˋ

Work together, Worked together

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 41, 44

公斤 gong¯ jin¯

Kilogram, Kg, Weight measure

空心菜 kong¯ xin¯ caiˋ

Kong Xin Cai, a leafy vegetable with a hollow stem

中心 zhong¯ xin¯

Center, Center point

中心理想 zhong¯ xin¯ liˇ xiangˇ

Central ideal

中心的一點 zhong¯ xin¯ de˙ yiˋ dianˇ

A spot in the middle

中心點 zhong¯ xin¯ dianˇ

Center point, Point of origin

忠心 zhong¯ xin¯

Loyalty, Devotion, Faithfulness

忠心耿耿 zhong¯ xin¯ gengˇ gengˇ

Devoted, Faithful

衷心 zhong¯ xin¯

Heartfelt, Wholehearted

衷心感謝 zhong¯ xin¯ ganˇ xieˋ

Heartfelt gratitude

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 41, 44

公民 gong¯ minˊ

Citizen, Citizens

公民投票 gong¯ minˊ touˊ piaoˋ


公民投票案 gong¯ minˊ touˊ piaoˋ anˋ

Referendum case

公民的責任 gong¯ minˊ de˙ zeˊ renˋ

Civic duty, Civic duties, Civic responsibilities

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 41, 44

衝進 chong¯ jinˋ

Charged into, Stormed in, Burst into

衝進廚房 chong¯ jinˋ chuˊ fangˊ

Burst into the kitchen, Charge into the kitchen, Charged into the kitchen

東晉 dong¯ jinˋ

Eastern Jin

東印度 dong¯ yinˋ duˋ

East India

東印度公司 dong¯ yinˋ duˋ gong¯ si¯

East India Company

通信 tong¯ xinˋ

Communicate, Exchange information, Exchange notes, Communications, Correspondance

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 41, 44

叢林 congˊ linˊ


農民 nongˊ minˊ

Farmer, Farmers, Peasant, Peasants

農民工 nongˊ minˊ gong¯

Migrant Workers

農民心態 nongˊ minˊ xin¯ taiˋ

Farmer mentality, Peasant mentality

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 41, 44

共金樽 gongˋ jin¯ zun¯

Together Drink Golden Elixir

痛心 tongˋ xin¯


重心 zhongˋ xin¯

Center of gravity

重心不穩 zhongˋ xin¯ buˋ wenˇ


重新排列組合 zhongˋ xin¯ paiˊ lieˋ zuˇ heˊ

Rearrange, Rearranged

重音 zhongˋ yin¯

Emphasis, Stress

重音發生 zhongˋ yin¯ fa¯ sheng¯

Emphasis, Position or location (syllable) of emphasis

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 41, 44

共進 gongˋ jinˋ

With, Together with

送進 songˋ jinˋ

Sent into

送信 songˋ xinˋ

Deliver mail


丿-千 : > : > [重]-重新 : > [重]-重新開始 >

丶-立 : > : > [新]-重新 : > [新]-重新開始 >

口-門 : > : > [開]-開始 : > [開]-重新開始 >

𠄌-女 : > : > [始]-開始 : > [始]-重新開始 >

重新開始 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 新

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