
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 錯


Wrong, Blame unjustly

cuoˋ guaiˋ

錯 cuoˋ
Error, Mistake, Blunder, Uneven, Complicated, Intricate, Untidy, Irregular, Incorrect, Wrong

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 錯怪 (wo-wai)

Grouped by first phone

cuo, guo, zuo

錯怪 cuoˋ guaiˋ

Wrong, Blame unjustly

cuo, guo, zuo

國外 guoˊ waiˋ

Abroad, Outside the country, Foreign

cuo, guo, zuo

作怪 zuoˋ guaiˋ

Mischievous, Play tricks, Prank

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 24

錯怪 cuoˋ guaiˋ

Wrong, Blame unjustly

作怪 zuoˋ guaiˋ

Mischievous, Play tricks, Prank

44, 24

國外 guoˊ waiˋ

Abroad, Outside the country, Foreign


人-金 : > : > [錯]-錯怪 : > [錯]-錯怪 >

丶-忄 : > : > [怪]-錯怪 : > [怪]-錯怪 >

錯怪 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 錯

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