
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 防



fangˊ yuˋ dunˋ paiˊ

防 fangˊ
Defend, Defensive, Protect, Guard, Look After

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Phone , Tone


防禦 fangˊ yuˋ

盾牌 dunˋ paiˊ

Words that rhyme with 防禦盾牌 (ang-yu)

Grouped by first phone

fang, chang, dang, kang, shang, zhang

防區 fangˊ qu¯

Defensive area, Area of defense

防雨布 fangˊ yuˇ buˋ

Tarpaulin, Waterproof cloth, Waterproof material

防禦 fangˊ yuˋ


防禦周密 fangˊ yuˋ zhou¯ miˋ

Well defended

防禦工事 fangˊ yuˋ gong¯ shiˋ

Defensive fortifications

防禦盾牌 fangˊ yuˋ dunˋ paiˊ


防禦陣地 fangˊ yuˋ zhenˋ diˋ

Defensive position

fang, chang, dang, kang, shang, zhang

常去 changˊ quˋ

Often gone

常去那裡 changˊ quˋ naˋ liˇ

Often gone there

常去那裡游泳 changˊ quˋ naˋ liˇ youˊ yongˇ

Often gone there to swim, Often gone swimming there

常與 changˊ yuˇ

Often with

fang, chang, dang, kang, shang, zhang

當局 dang¯ juˊ


擋雨 dangˇ yuˇ

Shelter from the rain, Provide shelter from rain

黨羽 dangˇ yuˇ

Partisan, Partisans, Associate, Associates, Henchman, Henchmen

fang, chang, dang, kang, shang, zhang

抗拒 kangˋ juˋ


fang, chang, dang, kang, shang, zhang

上距 shangˋ juˋ


上去 shangˋ quˋ

Go up

上去了 shangˋ quˋ le˙

Went up

fang, chang, dang, kang, shang, zhang

章魚 zhang¯ yuˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

24, 12, 21, 23, 33, 44

常去 changˊ quˋ

Often gone

常去那裡 changˊ quˋ naˋ liˇ

Often gone there

常去那裡游泳 changˊ quˋ naˋ liˇ youˊ yongˇ

Often gone there to swim, Often gone swimming there

防禦 fangˊ yuˋ


防禦周密 fangˊ yuˋ zhou¯ miˋ

Well defended

防禦工事 fangˊ yuˋ gong¯ shiˋ

Defensive fortifications

防禦盾牌 fangˊ yuˋ dunˋ paiˊ


防禦陣地 fangˊ yuˋ zhenˋ diˋ

Defensive position

24, 12, 21, 23, 33, 44

當局 dang¯ juˊ


章魚 zhang¯ yuˊ


24, 12, 21, 23, 33, 44

防區 fangˊ qu¯

Defensive area, Area of defense

24, 12, 21, 23, 33, 44

常與 changˊ yuˇ

Often with

防雨布 fangˊ yuˇ buˋ

Tarpaulin, Waterproof cloth, Waterproof material

24, 12, 21, 23, 33, 44

擋雨 dangˇ yuˇ

Shelter from the rain, Provide shelter from rain

黨羽 dangˇ yuˇ

Partisan, Partisans, Associate, Associates, Henchman, Henchmen

24, 12, 21, 23, 33, 44

抗拒 kangˋ juˋ


上距 shangˋ juˋ


上去 shangˋ quˋ

Go up

上去了 shangˋ quˋ le˙

Went up


冂-阝 : > : > [防]-防禦 : > [防]-防禦盾牌 >

丿-彳 : > : > [禦]-防禦 : > [禦]-防禦盾牌 >

厂-𠂆 : > : > [盾]-盾牌 : > [盾]-防禦盾牌 >

丿-丿 : > : > [牌]-盾牌 : > [牌]-防禦盾牌 >

防禦盾牌 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 防

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