Index for words including 陣


Gust, Short Period, Spate, Burst, Spell, Army, Battle, Go To War, Rank And File, Disposition Of Troops, MW For Any Long Lasting Action Or Event

Word Links for words containing 陣 (sorted via character pairs)

陣 zhenˋ
Gust, Short Period, Spate, Burst, Spell, Army, Battle, Go To War, Rank And File, Disposition Of Troops, MW For Any Long Lasting Action Or Event

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


陣腳 Situation, Circumstances

亂了陣腳 Confused in the chaos, Lost one's nerve


陣風 Gusts, Gust of wind


陣陣 Bursts

陣陣 A gust

陣陣笑聲 Bursts of laughter

耳邊還聽得到從底下街道傳來的陣陣笑聲 Bursts of laughter could be heard from the streets below


陣仗 Parade, Excessive


陣亡 Killed in action

探員陣亡 Agent down


陣容 Line-up


陣的微風 Brief breeze


陣營 Camp


陣列 Array, Grid, Table

相位聲波陣列 Phased-acoustic-array, Phased-audio-array

自動陣列排出 Automatically arranged in a grid

相位聲波陣列系統 Phased-audio-array system, Phased-array audio systems


陣地 Military position

防禦陣地 Defensive position


矩陣 Matrix, Grid

巨大矩陣 Vast grid, Giant matrix

超顯微轉輪的矩陣 Grid of submicroscopic wheels

在半私人小隔間組成的巨大矩陣 In a vast matrix of semiprivate cubicles


一陣 A (e.g. a sound or a breeze), A moment, A pause, A flash, A burst of

一陣 For a while, For some time

一陣一陣 Gusts

彼此對吼一陣 Shout at each other for awhile

一陣 A while, For a while

一陣 A gust

一陣 A gust of wind

一陣 For a long while

再陪我一陣 Stay with me for a while, Stick around for a while

繼續做一陣 Continue working for a while

至少好一陣 At least for a while, For a while at least

躺了好一陣 Lay for a while

一陣刺痛 Suddenly started to prickle

一陣劇痛 A burst of intense pain

一陣灼痛 A burning pain, A flash of burning pain, A burst of searing pain

一陣小混亂 A small disturbance

一陣騷動 This disturbance

躺了好一陣子睡不著 Lay awake for a while

一陣很不舒服的鼓漲感 An uncomfortable bulging sensation

一陣子情況非常糟糕 For a while it was bad, For a while it was really rough

一陣大風 A strong wind

下起一陣大雨 It started to rain heavily

下過一陣大雨 A heavy rainfall

一陣子後 After a while

一陣子後 After awhile

一陣巨響 A tremendous noise, Aloud noise

外忽然傳來一陣巨響 From outside there was a sudden loud noise

一陣子之後 After a while

過了一陣子之後 After a period of time, After a while


車陣 Traffic

車陣 Laager, Encampment formed by a circle of wagons, Entrenched position

洛杉磯的車陣 Los Angeles traffic

在洛杉磯的車陣 In Los Angeles traffic

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