
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 雞


Chicken nugget, Chicken pieces

ji¯ kuaiˋ

雞 ji¯
Chicken, Rooster, Fowl, Hen

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 雞塊 (yi-wai)

Grouped by first phone

ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

雞塊 ji¯ kuaiˋ

Chicken nugget, Chicken pieces

幾塊 jiˇ kuaiˋ

A few pieces of, A few pieces

幾塊小點的石塊 jiˇ kuaiˋ xiaoˇ dianˇ de˙ shiˊ kuaiˋ

Several smaller stones

幾塊真的布 jiˇ kuaiˋ zhen¯ de˙ buˋ

Pieces of real cloth, A few pieces of real cloth

肌外膜 ji¯ waiˋ moˊ


ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

例外 liˋ waiˋ

Exception, Exceptions

ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

奇怪 qiˊ guaiˋ

Strange, Odd, Weird, Unusual, Interesting

奇怪的 qiˊ guaiˋ de˙


奇怪的事 qiˊ guaiˋ de˙ shiˋ

Something strange, Something peculiar

ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

題外 tiˊ waiˋ

Irrelevant, Not relevant, Beyond or outside of the subject being discussed

ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

蟋蟀 xi¯ shuaiˋ


ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

一拐 yiˋ guaiˇ


一拐一拐 yiˋ guaiˇ yiˋ guaiˇ


一拐一拐走 yiˋ guaiˇ yiˋ guaiˇ zouˇ


一塊 yiˊ kuaiˋ

A piece, A chip

一塊兒 yiˊ kuaiˋ erˊ


一塊又一塊 yiˊ kuaiˋ youˋ yiˊ kuaiˋ

Pieces, Lots of pieces

一塊正方形的土地 yiˊ kuaiˋ zhengˋ fang¯ xingˊ de˙ tuˇ diˋ

A square patch of land, A parcel of land

一塊碎布 yiˊ kuaiˋ suiˋ buˋ

A piece of cloth

一塊餅乾 yiˊ kuaiˋ bingˇ gan¯

A cookie

以外 yiˇ waiˋ

Other than, Outside of

一歪 yiˋ wai¯


意外 yiˋ waiˋ

Unexpected, Accidental, Surprising, Surprised

意外成為 yiˋ waiˋ chengˊ weiˊ

Unexpectedly became

意外降臨 yiˋ waiˋ jiangˋ linˊ

Unforeseen circumstances

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 24, 34, 41, 43, 44

雞塊 ji¯ kuaiˋ

Chicken nugget, Chicken pieces

肌外膜 ji¯ waiˋ moˊ


蟋蟀 xi¯ shuaiˋ


14, 24, 34, 41, 43, 44

奇怪 qiˊ guaiˋ

Strange, Odd, Weird, Unusual, Interesting

奇怪的 qiˊ guaiˋ de˙


奇怪的事 qiˊ guaiˋ de˙ shiˋ

Something strange, Something peculiar

題外 tiˊ waiˋ

Irrelevant, Not relevant, Beyond or outside of the subject being discussed

一塊 yiˊ kuaiˋ

A piece, A chip

一塊兒 yiˊ kuaiˋ erˊ


一塊又一塊 yiˊ kuaiˋ youˋ yiˊ kuaiˋ

Pieces, Lots of pieces

一塊正方形的土地 yiˊ kuaiˋ zhengˋ fang¯ xingˊ de˙ tuˇ diˋ

A square patch of land, A parcel of land

一塊碎布 yiˊ kuaiˋ suiˋ buˋ

A piece of cloth

一塊餅乾 yiˊ kuaiˋ bingˇ gan¯

A cookie

14, 24, 34, 41, 43, 44

幾塊 jiˇ kuaiˋ

A few pieces of, A few pieces

幾塊小點的石塊 jiˇ kuaiˋ xiaoˇ dianˇ de˙ shiˊ kuaiˋ

Several smaller stones

幾塊真的布 jiˇ kuaiˋ zhen¯ de˙ buˋ

Pieces of real cloth, A few pieces of real cloth

以外 yiˇ waiˋ

Other than, Outside of

14, 24, 34, 41, 43, 44

一歪 yiˋ wai¯


14, 24, 34, 41, 43, 44

一拐 yiˋ guaiˇ


一拐一拐 yiˋ guaiˇ yiˋ guaiˇ


一拐一拐走 yiˋ guaiˇ yiˋ guaiˇ zouˇ


14, 24, 34, 41, 43, 44

例外 liˋ waiˋ

Exception, Exceptions

意外 yiˋ waiˋ

Unexpected, Accidental, Surprising, Surprised

意外成為 yiˋ waiˋ chengˊ weiˊ

Unexpectedly became

意外降臨 yiˋ waiˋ jiangˋ linˊ

Unforeseen circumstances


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雞塊 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 雞

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