出沒 chu ˉ moˋ

Appear (and then disappear), Bobbing on Ocean surface


chu ˉ meiˊ wuˊ changˊ

(Appear, Pop up) Pop up unexpectedly, Appear and disappear unpredictably


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Rhymes: wu o

rh: chu ˉ moˋ 出沒

rh: chuˋ mo ˉ 觸摸


rh: du ˉ boˊ 都柏


rh: duˇ boˊ 賭博


rh: duˋ bo ˉ 杜波


rh: fuˇ mo ˉ 撫摸


rh: fuˇ moˊ 撫摩


rh: guˇ boˊ 股薄


rh: guˇ moˊ 骨膜


rh: gu ˉ poˊ 姑婆


rh: huˊ boˊ 湖泊


rh: huˇ poˋ 琥珀


rh: kuˋ poˋ 庫珀


rh: tuˊ moˇ 塗抹


rh: tu ˉ poˋ 突破


rh: wu ˉ poˊ 巫婆


Appear, Bobbing

< Leave, Exit, Go out, Come Out, Appear, Produce, Beget, Pay out

Appear, Beget, Come Out, Exit, Go out, Leave, Pay out, Produce

< Have not, is not, have not, is not, Nothing, Without, None, (Mo4), Drown, Sink

Drown, Have not,, None, Nothing, Sink, Without


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