

xingˋ huiˋ le˙


Nice to meet (you)

幸會 xingˋ huiˋ

(Happy to, It is a)

It is a pleasure to meet you!, Happy to meet you!

le˙ liaoˇ liaoˋ

(Complete, Comprehend, End, Finish, Understand, Whole)

Whole, Complete, Finish, End, (Liao3), Understand, Comprehend


Feel happy, Fortunate, Happiness, Lucky, Well Being

Lucky, Fortunate, Feel happy about, Happiness, Well Being

Able, Able To, Assemble, Assembles, Assembling, Can, Can be, Gather, Gathered, Gathering, Gathers, Meet, Meeting, Meets, Met, Shall, To assemble, To gather, To meet, Will, Will be

Can, Can be, Able, Able to be, Shall, Shall be, Will, Will be, To meet, Meet, Meets, Meeting, Met, To gather, Gather, Gathers, Gathering, Gathered, To assemble, Assemble, Assembles, Assembling, Assembled

Complete, Comprehend, End, Finish, Understand, Whole

Whole, Complete, Finish, End, (Liao3), Understand, Comprehend

Word chars

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