

yongˇ yuanˇ chenˊ ruˋ bo ˉ tao ˉ


Sink forever beneath the waves

永遠 yongˇ yuanˇ

(Always, Eternal, Forever, Frequently, Invariably, Perpetual, Unfailing)

Eternal, Perpetual, Unfailing, Forever, Invariably, Frequently, Always

沈入 chenˊ ruˋ



波濤 boˉ taoˉ

(Large waves, Waves)

Waves, Large waves


Always, Eternal, Eternity, Forever

Forever, Eternal, Eternity, Always

Deep, Distant, Far, Keep at, Keep away, Profound, Remote

Far, Distant, Deep, Profound, Remote, Keep at a distance(yuan4), Keep away from, Keep at a distance

Be addicted, Deep, Delay, Drawn, Heavy, Immerse, Indulge in, Lower, Persist, Postpone, Profound, Put on a, Set, Sink, Submerge

Sink down, Immerse, Submerge, Lower, Set, Drawn deep into, Indulge In, Be addicted to, Persist, Delay, Postpone, Put on a grave expression, Heavy, Deep, Profound

Agree, Arrive, Captivate, Enter, Entrance, Go into, Income, Intrude, Invade, Join, Receipt, Receive

Enter, Entrance, Arrive, Join, Go into, Agree (Agree With), Receipt, Receive, Income, Invade, Intrude, Captivate

Ripple, Storm, Surge, Wave

Wave, Ripple, Storm, Surge

Large Wave, Wave

Wave, Large Wave

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