fanˉ yueˋ
(Browse, Flip, Glance, Leaf, Thumb)
Browse, Glance through, Leaf through, Thumb through, Flip through
fanˉ xiuˉ
(Overhaul, Rebuild, Recondition, Revamp)
Overhaul, Rebuild, Recondition, Revamp
fanˉ daoˇ zaiˋ diˋ
(Fall to the, Falling, Falls to the, Fell to the)
Fall to the ground, Falls to the ground, Falling to the ground, Fell to the ground
fanˉ zaˊ zhiˋ
(Peruse, Perused, Peruses, Perusing)
Peruse magazines, Peruses magazines, Perusing magazines, Perused magazines
fanˉ xinˉ
(Overhaul, Rebuild, Recondition, Remodel)
Overhaul, Rebuild, Recondition, Remodel
fanˉ bianˋ
(Rummage, Rummaged, Rummages, Rummaging)
Rummage through, Rummages through, Rummaging through, Rummaged through
fanˉ qiˇ
(Leaf, Leafed, Leafing, Leafs, Look through, Looked through, Looking through, Looks, To leaf, To look)
To look through, Look through, Looks through, Looking through, Looked through, To leaf through, Leaf through, Leafs through, Leafing through, Leafed through
houˋ kongˉ fanˉ
(Backflip, Backflipped, Backflipping, Backflips, Roll, Rolled, Rolling, Rolls, Tumble, Tumbled, Tumbles, Tumbling)
Tumble back, Tumbles back, Tumbling back, Tumbled back, Roll back, Rolls back, Rolling back, Rolled back, Backflip, Backflips, Backflipping, Backflipped
wangˇ xiaˋ yiˊ yeˋ fanˉ
(Turn to, Turned the, Turned to)
Turned the page, Turned to the next page, Turn to the next page
dongˉ fanˉ xiˉ zhaoˇ
(Go through, Goes through, Going through, Look around, Looked around, Looking around, Looks around, Search, Searched, Searches, Searching, To go through, To look around, To search, Went through)
To search (here and there), To go through, To look around, Search, Searches, Searching, Searched, Go through, Goes through, Going through, Went through, Look around, Looks around, Looking around, Looked around
daˇ fanˉ
(Knock, Knocked, Knocking, Knocks, To knock)
To knock over, Knock over, Knocks over, Knocking over, Knocked over
Rhymes: an an
rh: fan ˉ shanˉ 翻山
rh: fanˇ tanˊ 反彈
rh: gan ˉ danˇ 肝膽
rh: ganˇ fanˊ 敢煩
rh: gan ˉ ganˉ 乾乾
rh: gan ˉ hanˋ 乾旱
rh: gan ˉ lanˊ 干欄
rh: ganˇ lanˇ 橄欖
rh: ganˇ ranˇ 感染
rh: ganˇ tanˋ 感嘆
rh: hanˋ shan ˉ 汗衫
rh: kanˋ banˇ 看板
rh: kanˋ kanˋ 看看
rh: kan ˉ tanˋ 勘探
rh: lanˊ banˇ 籃板
rh: lanˊ gan ˉ 欄杆
rh: lanˊ lanˊ 藍藍
rh: lanˇ lanˇ 懶懶
rh: lanˇ sanˋ 懶散
rh: lanˊ shan ˉ 闌珊
rh: lanˋ tan ˉ 爛攤
rh: manˋ danˋ 慢彈
rh: manˇ manˇ 滿滿
rh: manˋ manˋ 慢慢
rh: nanˊ kan ˉ 難堪
rh: nanˊ kanˋ 難看
rh: nanˊ nanˊ 喃喃
rh: nanˊ nanˊ 男男
rh: panˊ chanˊ 盤纏
rh: pan ˉ manˊ 攀蔓
rh: panˊ shan ˉ 蹣跚
rh: ranˇ ranˇ 冉冉
rh: san ˉ fanˉ 三番
rh: sanˋ sanˋ 散散
rh: shan ˉ banˇ 舢舨
rh: shan ˉ manˋ 珊曼
rh: shan ˉ shanˉ 姍姍
rh: shanˇ shanˇ 閃閃
rh: tanˊ banˇ 檀板
rh: tan ˉ fanˋ 攤販
rh: tanˋ hanˋ 碳和
rh: tanˋ kan ˉ 探勘
rh: tan ˉ lanˊ 貪婪
rh: tanˊ panˋ 談判
rh: tanˇ ranˊ 坦然
rh: tanˊ tanˊ 談談
rh: tanˋ tanˋ 探探
rh: zanˋ tanˋ 讚嘆
rh: zanˋ tanˋ 讚歎
rh: zhanˇ lanˇ 展覽
rh: zhanˇ zhanˇ 盞盞
rh: anˋ anˋ 暗暗
rh: anˋ ranˊ 黯然
rh: banˋ anˋ 辦案
rh: banˋ anˋ 半按
rh: ban ˉ banˉ 斑斑
rh: banˋ banˋ 半半
rh: banˋ manˇ 半滿
rh: canˋ lanˋ 燦爛
rh: can ˉ panˊ 餐盤
rh: can ˉ zhanˇ 參展
rh: chanˊ chanˊ 潺潺
rh: danˋ danˋ 淡淡
rh: danˇ ganˇ 膽敢
rh: danˋ hanˋ 蛋和
rh: danˋ lanˊ 淡藍
rh: fanˋ anˋ 犯案
rh: fan ˉ banˇ 翻版
rh: fan ˉ fanˉ 翻番
rh: fan ˉ fanˉ 翻翻
rh: fanˇ ganˇ 反感
rh: fanˋ lanˋ 氾濫
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