To convene, hold a meeting, Convene , Convenes , Convening , Convened , Hold a meeting, Holds a meeting, Holding a meeting, Held a meeting
Rhymes: yu ying
rh: juˇ xingˊ 舉行
rh: juˋ xing ˉ 巨星
rh: juˋ xingˊ 巨形
rh: juˋ xingˊ 巨型
rh: juˋ xingˊ 句型
rh: luuˋ lingˋ 律令
rh: luuˇ xingˊ 履行
rh: luuˇ xingˊ 旅行
rh: nuuˇ ying ˉ 女嬰
rh: nuuˇ ying ˉ 女英
rh: nuuˇ xingˋ 女性
rh: quˋ bing ˉ 去冰
rh: quˇ jing ˉ 取經
rh: quˇ mingˊ 取名
rh: xu ˉ jingˉ 虛驚
rh: yuˋ ying ˉ 育嬰
rh: yuˋ dingˋ 預訂
rh: yuˋ dingˋ 預定
rh: yuˇ lingˋ 與另
rh: yu ˉ qingˉ 瘀青
rh: yu ˉ xingˊ 紆行
rh: yuˊ xing ˉ 魚腥
rh: juˋ jing ˉ 聚精
Convene, Hold a, To convene, To hold
舉< Raise, Lift, Hold up, Choose, Act, Elect, Enumerate
Act, Choose, Elect, Enumerate, Hold up, Lift, Raise
行< Take action, Go, Do, Work, Able, Capable, Ready, Walk, Travel, Road, Path, Baggage, Current, Prevailing, Publish, (Xing4), Conduct, Behaviour, (Hang2), Generation, Row, Line, Array, Series, Sequence, Profession, Trade, Business, Rank and file of the military, Financial Market
Able, Array, Baggage, Behaviour, Business, Capable, Conduct, Current, Do, Financial, Generation, Go, Line, Path, Prevailing, Profession, Publish, Rank and file, Ready, Road, Row, Sequence, Series, Take action, Trade, Travel, Walk, Work
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