被劍的毒性害死 beiˋ jianˋ de˙ duˊ xingˋ haiˋ siˇ

被劍的毒性害死 beiˋ jianˋ de˙ duˊ xingˋ haiˋ siˇ

(Killed, Poisonous, Toxic, Toxicity, Kill)

Killed by the poisonous nature of the sword

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yeˇ huiˋ beiˋ jianˋ de˙ duˊ xingˋ haiˋ siˇ

(Could also)

Could also be killed by the sword's poison


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Rhymes: ei yan

rh: beiˋ jianˋ 被建


rh: beiˋ jianˋ 被劍

rh: bei ˉ mianˋ 杯麵


rh: beiˋ mianˋ 被面


rh: beiˋ mianˋ 背面


rh: beiˋ pianˋ 被騙


rh: deiˇ xian ˉ 得先


rh: fei ˉ yanˊ 飛簷


rh: fei ˉ yanˊ 飛檐


rh: feiˋ yanˊ 肺炎


rh: feiˋ dianˇ 沸點


rh: fei ˉ jianˋ 飛濺


rh: fei ˉ tianˉ 飛天


rh: fei ˉ xianˋ 非線


rh: geiˇ xian ˉ 給掀


rh: hei ˉ dianˇ 黑點


rh: hei ˉ tianˉ 黑天


rh: leiˋ yanˇ 淚眼


rh: meiˊ yan ˉ 煤煙


rh: meiˇ yanˊ 美顏


rh: meiˊ bianˋ 沒變


rh: meiˊ dianˇ 沒點


rh: meiˊ jian ˉ 眉間


rh: meiˊ jianˋ 沒見


rh: meiˇ jianˋ 每件


rh: meiˊ lianˊ 沒連


rh: meiˊ lianˊ 沒聯


rh: meiˊ lianˇ 沒臉


rh: meiˇ lianˊ 美聯


rh: meiˊ nianˋ 沒念


rh: meiˇ nianˊ 每年


rh: meiˊ qian ˉ 沒簽


rh: meiˊ qian ˉ 沒牽


rh: meiˊ qianˊ 沒錢


rh: meiˇ tian ˉ 每天


rh: meiˊ xianˇ 沒顯


rh: neiˋ bian ˉ 那邊


rh: neiˇ jianˋ 哪件


rh: neiˋ jianˋ 內建


rh: neiˋ jianˋ 那件


rh: neiˋ nianˊ 那年


rh: neiˋ tian ˉ 那天


rh: peiˋ dianˋ 配電


rh: peiˋ jianˋ 配件


rh: peiˊ qianˊ 賠錢


rh: zheiˋ jian ˉ 這間


rh: zheiˋ jianˋ 這件


rh: zheiˋ pian ˉ 這篇


rh: beiˋ yan ˉ 被淹



< Suffer, Affected by, Forced, Acted on, Because Of, Due to, Compelled, Passive, Cover, Quilt, Blanket, Wear

Acted, Affected by, Because of, Blanket, Compelled, Cover, Due to, Forced, Passive, Quilt, Suffer, Wear

< Sword, Dagger, Saber

Dagger, Saber, Sword

< Have, Has, At That, (Di4), Clear, Distinct, Target, Goal, (Di2), Accurate, Exact, Proper, (De5)

Accurate, Clear, Distinct, Exact, Goal, Have, Proper, Target

< Poison, Venom, Drug, Narcotic

Drug, Narcotic, Poison, Venom

< Nature, Character, Temper, Disposition, Quality, Property, Properties, Sex

Character, Disposition, Nature, Properties, Property, Quality, Sex, Temper

< Harm, Worry, Cause trouble, Injure, Impair, Kill, Destroy

Cause trouble, Destroy, Harm, Impair, Injure, Kill, Worry

< Dead, Death, To die, Die, Dies, Dying, Died, Very, Extremely, Condemned, Dull, Stupid, Obstinate, Rigid, Fixed, Stubborn, Immovable, Inflexible, Impassable, Uncrossable

Condemned, Dead, Death, Die, Died, Dies, Dull, Dying, Extremely, Fixed, Immovable, Impassable, Inflexible, Obstinate, Rigid, Stubborn, Stupid, To die, Uncrossable, Very




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