靜音 jingˋ yin ˉ

Mute, Silent


jiang ˉ dianˋ shiˋ guan ˉ jingˋ yin ˉ

(Mute, Muted, Mutes, Muting, To mute) To mute the TV, Mute the TV, Mutes the TV, Muting the TV, Muted the TV


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baˇ jingˋ yin ˉ anˋ diaoˋ

(Press, Pressed, Turn off, Turned off) Turn off mute, Turned off the mute, Press mute, Pressed mute


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Rhymes: ying yin

rh: jingˋ yin ˉ 靜音

rh: jing ˉ pinˇ 精品


rh: jing ˉ xinˉ 精心


rh: jing ˉ xinˉ 驚心


rh: jingˋ xin ˉ 靜心


rh: lingˇ jin ˉ 領巾


rh: lingˊ minˇ 靈敏


rh: lingˇ xin ˉ 領薪


rh: mingˊ xinˋ 明信


rh: pingˊ minˊ 平民


rh: qing ˉ jinˋ 傾盡


rh: qingˇ jinˇ 請儘


rh: qingˇ jinˋ 請進


rh: qing ˉ xinˉ 清新


rh: ting ˉ yinˉ 聽音


rh: ting ˉ xinˋ 聽信


rh: xingˊ jinˋ 行進


rh: xingˊ jinˋ 形近


rh: xingˋ qin ˉ 性侵


rh: yingˇ yinˋ 影印


rh: ying ˉ pinˋ 應聘


rh: bingˋ jinˋ 並進


rh: dingˋ jin ˉ 定金


Mute, Silent

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